Maybe One Day (Part 4)

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Lisa groaned. Her head ached and there was a painful sting added to her already dizzy state. She tried to open her eyes but immediately closed them again. It hurt.

"Lisa? Oh my god, thank goodness."

She heard the voice and felt a hand on her cheek. She tried to move her head but it hit a cold and hard surface. "Ow..." She wanted to hold her head but her hand was restrained. She heard the small clang of metal hitting one another.

"Don't move, Lisa. Just lean back and relax."

Lisa tried to open her eyes again. She squinted and saw half of someone's face looking at her from behind something solid that was blocking her line of sight. She frowned. "What... Where am I?"

"In your bathroom."

"What?" Lisa opened her eyes wider. She saw a tiled wall in a dark room. She waited until her eyes had adjusted to the dark.

As her consciousness returned, so did her senses. She felt the cold floor she was sitting on and what felt like cold metal around her wrist and against her arm. She realized that it was indeed the bathroom. She could now see a faint ray of light which she suspected came from the living room window. Her nose also picked up a scent that she thought was because of her current location.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Lisa answered weakly. Her head still hurt. "Are you okay?"


Lisa looked down at her right hand. It was handcuffed. She pulled it.

There was a clang. "Ow! Lisa!" Jennie's handcuffed hand hit the metal pipe under the sink.

"They handcuffed us together?"

"He handcuffed us together. There was only one man."

Lisa frowned. The last thing she remembered was talking to Jennie before everything went black. She raised her left hand and touched the cold hard surface next to her. She recognized the shape. She was sitting on the bathroom floor, stuck between the sink and the toilet with Jennie at the other side – between the sink and the wall near the door. Their hands were linked through the small space under the sink, behind the metal pipe.

Lisa reached out to her right side with her left hand – patting her belt. She found her holster empty and her badge missing. "Where are my gun and badge?"

"He took them out. I don't know what he's done with them. I'm just glad that he didn't use the gun on us," answered Jennie.

Lisa tried to swallow. Her throat felt dry. "Did you see who it was?"

"No. He wore a ski mask." Jennie gulped at the thought of the knife. "He had a knife. A big kitchen knife."

Lisa exhaled. She had so many questions going through her head like how the man managed to know where she lived, how he got in the building and up to her floor, where he had hidden himself while waiting to attack and most importantly, how to get out of this situation. "Did he take the handcuff keys?" She tried to reach behind her to the small hanger next to her now empty handcuff case.

Jennie sighed. "He flushed it down the toilet."

Lisa dropped her hand after she heard that. "And then he left? Just like that?" She found it hard to believe that whoever attacked them had gone through all the trouble to just leave them handcuffed together in the bathroom.

"Err... not exactly..." Jennie hesitated.

Lisa turned her head, trying to look at Jennie. "You have something bad to tell me, don't you?"

Black, Blue, and Gold (Jenlisa Adaptation)Where stories live. Discover now