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Your POV
So turns out that for the past month girls all around the town have been mysteriously disappearing. "What do you make of this?" I asked looking at the evidence board, pictures of random girls scattered on it. "Well most of these girls were disappeared between the hours of 11pm and 3am" Masky stated. "And most of them were are at a particular place before they disappeared. The problem is where?" Glitchy Red asked. "No the problem is we don't have enough evidence. Where's Toby?" I asked. As if on cue, Toby burst in covered in blood and holding some pictures, waffle in mouth. "Toby? Where were you?" EJ asked. "W-well *tick* I was c-coming *tick* back and I *tick* s-saw a waff-le *tick* truck and-" "You know what, forget I asked" EJ interrupted sighing. I took the pictures from Toby and added them to the board before examining it. "Man this is boring!" Jeff sighed loudly. "Well we'd be going faster if you actually did something" Masky snapped. "Oh so this is my fault?!" He yelled as they argued. Red approached you and said, "need some help?" "Something's not adding up" I sighed. "Don't worry, I know whatever it is you'll be able to figure it out" he assured and smiled. I blushed and looked away only for something to catch my attention. "Hmm, take a look" I showed him, connecting the pictures. "I've got it!" I exclaimed catching everyone's attention. "What?" They asked. "Look at this. All these girls have a place where they were before disappearing like Glitchy said. And that place is a club, a party of some sort" I said. "Wait what's this?" Jeff asked holding a picture of writing. "Help. Skulls. Panic. Blood moon" I read before thinking. My eyes widened, "oh no, they're on Skull Island" I gasped. "Skull Island? I heard that place is so isolated fron the rest for the world. I have no idea on how to get there" Jeff said. "I do but we have to get there fast and quick" I said. "So we know where they are but anyone consider why they're there?" Masky asked. "The Blood Moon feast!" Zalgo exclaimed. "Blood Moon feast?" Slenderman questioned. "The Blood Moon feast is when demons feed on many preys at once. It's a celebration that occurs once every hundred years. They're going to be eaten" I gasped. "That's horrible" Red said. "When is it?" Slenderman questioned. "Tomorrow at midnight. We've gotta move now" I said. "Let's g-go we can u-use the b-boat we have" Hoodie said. "You guys have a boat?" I rose an eyebrow. "Y-yeah Toby m-made us bui-ld it" he sighed. "Let's go" I said as we ran back to the Mansion.
Your POV
We sailed on the boat towards the Island, I sighed, what if I can't help the people on the island, what if the Overlord kills me, what if I fail. Many questions ran through my mind making me sigh. Glitchy Red must have noticed because he held my hand and gave a reassuring squeeze smiling. I smiled back and soon we arrived. "Let's move quietly. This place is probably crawling with guards" I instructed. We moved around, the huge skull on the island giving me an uncomfortable feeling. We entered the huge palace and searched the place. "Guys any luck?" Masky asked. "Unfortunately not" we sighed. "Well done everyone" a voice said making us look up. A tall, buff man wearing all black and a cape stood before us clapping. Zalgo growled, "Skull lord" "Indeed, ah is that (Y/N) over there?" he smirked. "Skull lord, where are the girls?" I growled. "Tsk tsk love, I'm not giving away my meal. Stick around the fun is yet to begin~" he smirked. Before we knew it, a green gas was spread acrosa the room, we coughed and started passing out. I gasped for air and fell on the ground, darkness clouding my vision.
-3rd Person's POV-
When you woke up, you were chained  up in a room with the others. "Wh-where are we?" Masky asked. "A cell isn't it obvious" Jeff snapped pulling at the chains. "We've got to get out of here" you said and tried you use your powers but somehow the gas weakened you. "Any way out?" EJ asked. "Hang on. Hope this works" you said bearing your claws and trying the lock. "Yes!" You cheered when it opened then opened the rest. "What kind of idiot doesn't lock the door to their prisoners' cell?" Jeff shook his head. "Wait listen, crying. That way" you said as you all ran in that direction. You stopped in front of a cell hearing voices. "N.S!" Kitty gasped happily. You smiled and melted the door to be tackled in a hug. "N.S I-I missed you. I-I'm s-sorry" she sobbed. "Don't worry about it, we're getting you out of here. All of you" you said making them smile.
-Your POV-
I'll get them out of here, even if it's the last thing I'll do.

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