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There was a woman standing at the water's edge.

Sin, a seraphic girl rapidly approaching womanhood, stood alone on the beach, gazing over the aquamarine water with her spotless heterochromatic spheres. Her opaline hair danced lightly in the ocean breeze, tickling against one cheek as she smiled to herself with anticipation, resting her cheek against one hand as she clacked the heels of her sable boots together. She wore a moss-coloured shirt with sleeves that ran down to her wrists and a pair of sable formal pants. Her coiffure flowed in an opaline torrent past her shoulders, complementing her innocent blush-coloured-flushed silvery visage. Beautiful wings sprouted from her back. She stood, awaiting her lover.

It must have been fate in a mortal form that brought them together. She knew from the moment she laid eyes on her that they were meant to be. From then on, they were inseparable. They shared every part of their life with each other. That was how it was to this very day.

"Sin," Faith said simply with a smile on her face. Her ocean-coloured depths complimented her teal strands, brushing against her ears, belying her seraphic heart. She was dressed in refined garb befitting her station. She had a toned but slender body covered with lily-white, tinted with russet, skin. As Sin drew nearer, she caught a note of Faith's familiar scent of lingering iron and steel. She smiled to herself. It always reminded her of the time they shared.

"Oh, Faith! You came!" Sin said breathlessly, reaching out to take her into an embrace. Faith laughed and put her arms about her, holding her as they turned about once on the sand with their momentum. With that, they began to walk along the beach.

To their surprise, Sin was the first to speak. "I-I've never really... had anything like this." She clung a little tighter to Faith's calloused hand, resting her head against Faith's strong, slender arm.

"Never?" she asked.

"Oh, never," she said breathlessly. "You are my first true love."

"I love you," she replied, landing a peck on her soft heterochromatic coiffure.

"I love you too."

They strolled together for a few moments, the beautifully clear aquamarine sky decorated with only a few hints of loamy clouds. The sun struck Sin's hair in a multihued halo about her face.

Faith looked at her admiringly. "You're beautiful," she told her. Sin blushed.

"W-Why do you say that...?" she stuttered, still recovering from Faith's compliment.

"Because it's the truth." Faith placed her hand around Sin, drawing her nearer. "Not only that," he continued. "You're talented as well. We couldn't have saved the world without you."

"I caused a lot of trouble for you," she mumbled. "You were really the one who did all those amazing things. And you're so strong..." Her eyes wandered over Faith's face, her guileless depths, her teal mane. "... And handsome. I'm so lucky to have met you."

"It must have been destiny." She gave her an assuring squeeze. "But I never want you in that kind of danger again."

"As long as you're by my side," she whispered, letting Faith draw her into an embrace, "nothing bad will happen to me."

"I swear it," Faith affirmed.

"Oh, Faith... I love you so much," she whispered, her hand seeking out Faith's calloused ones.

As they walked, they came across a part of the sea that looked darker than the rest.

"What's that?" Sin asked.

"The locals say the lair of a sea monster lies in that ravine," Faith said. Just as she finished talking, a roar pierced the air. "Watch out!"

The sapphire waves swelled and surged, and Faith ran up the seashore with Sin's hand in hers. From the frothing pale foam emerged the head of a killer whale, which let out a screech that rent the sky. It bared its glinting sharp canines at them.

"It looks hungry," Sin remarked with a hint of trepidation.

"It's not going to eat us!" Faith said firmly. Ever prepared, she whipped out her weapon. "Go! I'll protect you. I'll make sure of it!"

"Wait! Faith! I want to help!" Sin, too, was prepared.

"Sin..." Faith started to say, but there was no time to argue -- the whale lunged for her, and she jumped away, the whale's teeth burying itself in the sand. Then they launched a counter-strike: Faith struck a blow first, along the beast's back, and then Sin second, along the whale's exposed underside. The monster roared in outrage before slipping back into the sea.

Panting for breath, Faith asked, "Are you hurt?"

Sin shook her head. "I'm fine."

"That was more trouble than I bargained for." Faith offered Sin Faith's hand. "Stick tight. You never know what else might spring out of the sea."

Sin held onto her hand as the sky began to grow dark with looming storm clouds.

"Look... it's the sunset."

Sin lifted her head at Faith's words to behold the dying sun's tangerine radiance. But even as she replied, "How beautiful," the starless clouds looming on the horizon worried her. "Faith, I'm worried about those clouds. Maybe we should go back."

Faith looked at her with such gentle crystals and asked, "Just a few moments more? I want to savour today."

"Mm... if you want to," she relented.

They were unprepared for how swift, how brutal the coming storm was. The rain poured in torrents, being the ocean itself to rise. Winds whipped about them and kept them from moving on the shifting sands. Soaking, shivering, they fought against the storm.

"Faith!" Sin screamed against the wind. "Please, don't let go!"

"I won't!" Faith shouted back, her hand clasping hers firmly as Faith struggled upward on the beach. "It's my fault! I won't fail you, Sin!"


Her scream was lost in the crash of waves against her body, the roar and power of the sea risen to steal her from her lover.

She struggled against the water, but it was too much. The violence of the storm-swept waves forced her under without contest.

The waves had beaten the air out of her lungs. Desperately, she willed herself not to suck in the icy water about her. Will I die this way? she wondered. Will I die... like this...?

A calloused hand seized hers and Sin felt herself being pulled up, up and up until the cold wind hit her face again. She coughed, sucking in the air greedily. Her arms had tightened themselves around Faith's neck without permission, and Faith was shouting, "Hold on Sin. Hold on!"

"Faith," she murmured. "You shouldn't have. We can't make it out here. This way, you'll die, too...."

"Don't talk like that, Sin," she commanded. "We'll make it through."


Thunder crashed in the distance, and the waves pitched and brought a mouthful of salty water against their faces. She coughed and held on to Faith, thinking, no, this isn't how it should end, this isn't how *Faith* should die...

Something bumped against Sin's leg. A shark? Fear coursed through her body. But before she could react, another wave pushed them under. Faith slumped against her, momentarily knocked senselessly. With burning eyes, Sin saw a large silhouette with a slender body and a bottle-like nose.

A dolphin, she thought. How lucky.

Summoning forth all her will, Sin put Faith on the dolphin's back.

It was the last thing she did before her world went black.

She was always so sweet, so gentle. I don't think I've met anyone else so kind."

"The world is truly darker without her, without our little light."

"Don't forget what she did. How much she helped us in those dark times."

Faith sat on a chair by the coffin, windows to her soul dry, her soul too numbed to grieve. The funeral attendees nodded to her as they passed. She nodded stiffly back.

The reception lasted hours, but it seemed to Faith that it was only moments before the crowd disappeared. She picked himself off the chair and turned to look into the coffin for the first time since the funeral started.

Eyes closed and still, Sin laid inside in a fine jade dress, her hands clasped over her chest. She could have been in a very deep sleep. Faith fought the urge to reach out and nudge her awake. Sin was gone. Gone because of her. Because she loved her. Casting a long look at her beautiful visage, Faith leaned in and laid a single kiss on Sin's lips.

... Thus concludes our tale.

A/N I've realized the with newer generator it's kinda similar to the other story (Well the beginning) so I might not use it as often

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