Gon's POV
About five years pass. I hum as I unpack my clothes. We decided to buy a house. So we actually have a place to stay when we aren't travelling the world. Wedding plans were coming by smoothly. Well... the wedding is in a few days actually. "Gon what did you want to eat!?" Killua shouts from across the house. "Whatever you want!" I break down the box and throw it into the hallway.
He ended up getting pizza. I reach across the floor and reach into the box. We don't have a table. I go for a slice of the dessert pizza, only to have Killua hiss at me and slide the box away. I pout. "You're so mean" I pounce at him. Killua shouts in protest. He raises the box in the air. I straddle his hips as I reach up for the box. "Gon just give it up!" Killua says. "Never!" My chest presses into his but I still can't reach. I come up with a plan. I lean down and kiss him. He eventually gives up on the box. I manage to snag the box.
I smile at my victory. "You cheated!" Killua shouts. I take a bite of the cookie pizza. "We never set rules" Killua scowls at me. I kiss his cheek. "Well thank you for sharing." I finish my cookie. Killua pins me down, smirking. "Well. Then you can pay me back for STEALING my chocolate cookie pizza." I blush. "How's that?" He sits between my thighs. "Oh, you should know."
Killua puts his forehead on my shoulder. I manage to catch my breath. "Is that enough?" I ask. "I suppose." he says. He kisses me. I hum and kiss him back. He detaches himself from me as the phone rings. He groans. "Of course it's Leorio." He picks up the phone and answers it. "What?" Killua pushes his bangs back. I sit up and brush my hair behind my ears. I look around then grab a nearby blanket. "I'll text you the address. You're going to have to stay in a hotel. We don't have furniture" I wrap myself with the blanket and watch Killua pace around the room. Killua laughs. "Haven't had time." Killua turns red. "No! We've been moving stuff, unpacking and roaming the area."
I watch as the boat pulls up to the docks. Leorio and Kurapika walk down the ramp. I wave as I walk up to them. "Hey guys! Long time no see!" I say. "Hey Gon!" Leorio says. I hug both of them. "You look good as usual." Kurapika says. "Where's shit head?" Leorio asks. I tilt my head. "He's at home." "Why?" I shrug. Leorio sighs. "Well whatever. So shall we call a cab?" he asks. I smile. "We live on Whale Island. There are no taxis." Leorio groans. Kurapika gives a small smile. "Well... Let's get going then." I nod and lead them home.
As soon as I walk into the house. My jaw drops. We suddenly have a couch and it turns out we have a bed. "Killua!?" I shout. "What?!" I hear his voice shout back. "When did you get the furniture?!" "I had it delivered!" I leave it at that. I rub the back of my head. "Well... Make yourselves at home." I say. "Where should we set our luggage?" Kurapika asks. I shrug. "Anywhere is fine." They set their luggage down next to the door.
They sit on the couch. I go find Killua. He was out back. "Killua? What are you doing out here?" "nothing much. Just enjoying the breeze" "You could've come with me to pick up the others." "Meh" He shrugs. I sit down next to him. "Is something wrong?" "Nah." I poke his side. "Are you upset that Alluka can't come earlier?" "No" "Or that she's dating Zushi?" "That pisses me off but no. Nothing is wrong." I hum. "If you say so."
I brush my long hair. It wasn't as long as it used to be. It was just a bit lower than my shoulders. I hear Killua yawn. "Mornin'" He grumbles. I turn and hug him. "Morning sunshine." He groans. "It's too early!" He complains. I mess with his hair. "It's only ten in the morning." He groans louder. "Too early!" I laugh. "Alright. Let's get you your coffee"
I watch as he pours tons of creamer in his coffee. It was amazing really. It was practically syrup. I watch him chug it down. "Gross" I mutter. "Hey don't knock it till you try it." "Uh.... No thanks" Killua makes himself another coffee, shrugging at my response. I go to make myself a cup but then I hear a yawn. I turn my head and see Kurapika. "Morning!" I say. "Morning Gon, Killua" He says. I pour myself a cup and add a little bit of creamer and sugar. "Do you even need coffee Gon?" He asks. I smile and sip on it after stirring. "Nope!"
"So what are we doing today?" Leorio asks after we have breakfast. I count on my fingers. "Go pick up my wedding dress. Get the place decorated. Then go get lunch. By then Alluka and Zushi should be arriving with a few others." I say, gathering the dishes. "What's on the list tomorrow?" Leorio asks. Killua answers this time. "Gather flowers for the final decorations. Set those up. Tomorrow is the rehearsal dinner too." "You guys are having a rehearsal dinner too?" I laugh and rub the back of my head. "Mito-san is making us have one"
"Why doesn't Whale Island have taxis or anything up to date?" Kurapika asks. "This is an island where fishermen and sailors stop for rest mainly. Some have families here and such. But the island population isn't high enough for stuff like taxis. Plus everyone here is so old fashioned but the elderly are in good shape from having to walk across the island their entire life. But when they get too old, usually their offspring take them in and care for them. Like say when Mito-san gets too old to care for herself, Killua and I will have to settle down and care for her."
"Interesting." Kurapika mutters to himself. Killua laughs though. "I can't imagine Mito-san wanting to live with us like that though." I laugh with him. "She won't. But she also won't have an option." Leorio mutters something I don't pick up. We stop in front of the tailor's. "We'll split up here. After Gon is done testing out the dress one more time, she'll meet up with us at the venue. Kurapika, why don't you stay with Gon. Leorio and I will get the decorations and start." Killua says. Kurapika nods. "Sure." Then we part ways.
The tailor makes me put on the dress. It was a strapless dress with a sweetheart line. It had a ribbon of green under my bust and it had a bit of a train. The train was green and had gold patterns in it, just some swirls. The dress in the front went down to my ankles. The tailor went on about how gorgeous I was. "Ne Kurapika, you aren't upset we made Leorio the best man are you?" "Of course not. What makes you ask?" The tailor asks me to turn in a circle.
"I don't know." I wince then point to my side. "Something is stabbing me here." "Anywhere else sweetie?" I run my hands down the dress. "No I think that's it." The tailor makes me step out of the dress. Kurapika turns his head, since I was only in a bra and underwear. "So what's up with Killua these days. He's so... quiet compared to how he used to be."
I put the dress on again. "He's just a little worried. He's been thinking about his past and things his family said." "How do you know? I doubt he told you about it" Kurapika asks. I hum. "He's told me a little. But I know him well enough. He's worried about the 'blood' on his hands and stuff Illumi has said in the past." Kurapika hums. "How can you tell?" I look down. "He's... had nightmares lately. He's talked in his sleeps. I've had to wake him up a couple times." Kurapika closes his eyes. "I can imagine that. Leorio has helped me with my issues. Perhaps Killua will be talking to Leorio about it." I think back to last night's conversation.
"Killua. Please. Tell me what's wrong?" "It's nothing." "Bull crap!" I see Killua look down at his hands. "There's just... so much blood on my hands." I grab his hands. "Not by your choice." "But I enjoyed killing some of them" Killua mutters. "Do you enjoy killing now?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Then you've moved past it. You're not an assassin anymore. You're a hunter now. You're no longer part of that family." Killua closes his eyes. "I'm just... Ugh never mind. I can't do this right now" I squeeze his hands. "Ok. Take your time."
"I hope so" I mutter. I change back into my regular clothes. I pay the tailor and they wrap up the dress for me. I thank them then we head to the venue. It was on a flat plain, that had tons of flowers everywhere. Chairs were set up with weights so the wind wouldn't blow them away. There was a balcony tent thing set up with a veil like curtains. Leorio and Killua were making sure the tent wasn't going to fly away. They spot us walking towards them. Leorio waves at us. I smile and wave back. Kurapika just gets a small smile on his face.