Chapter 14 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

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Elvis met Linda Thompson in July 1972, with their relationship starting soon after. Linda adored Elvis, treating him like a child and mothering him, although he was 15 years her senior. Elvis was very fond of her, and was devastated when their relationship deteriorated 4 years later.

Linda was a beautiful blonde; a classic American beauty with all the men she could ever want after her. They met one night at the Memphian, Memphis’ local movie theatre. Elvis spotted her straight away, the only blonde in the room. I was in my usual seat beside him, in front of all our friends. I could tell he had become distracted when he stopped listening to my answer to a question he’d just asked. I nudged him, digging my elbow into his ribs. He yelled out in pain, looking at me furiously. “What in the hell was that for?” He asked, rubbing his side. “You stopped listening. You know I hate when you do that. What got you so distracted?” He pointed to a group of people a few rows back; specifically the blonde woman in the middle. “Ain’t she somethin’?” Elvis said, not noticing how my face dropped. “Sure. If you like bimbos...” I muttered. “What?” Elvis asked, turning back to face me. “Nothin’! Go talk to her or somethin’ if you’re so interested.” He looked at me like I was crazy. “I can’t just go talk to her! I’m Elvis Presley! What if she – I don’t know – faints or somethin’?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be so fucking big headed. Joe!” I yelled and Joe rushed over. “What’s wrong, Annie?” He asked. “See the blonde over there?” I asked, pointing in her direction. “Yeah?” Joe said, having a quick look. “Go tell her Mr Presley is lacking female company tonight and would love for her to come join him.” I replied. As Joe ran off, I stood up and gathered my things. “Where’re you goin’?” Elvis asked. “Home; I’m going home, Elvis.” “Why? The movie hasn’t even started yet!” “Because. You won’t miss me. You never miss me. You don’t even notice me half the time, except when I’m naked in bed beside you.” I replied, walking off before he could say anything. I’ve regretted that ever since.

2 days later, it was Elvis’ time to have Lisa Marie, so I arrived at Graceland promptly that morning. I rushed around the house, making sure everything was right for the King’s princess. “Where’s Elvis?” I asked everyone, thinking it strange how they all mumbled and then rushed off. Eventually, I found Vernon. “Alright Vernon; be straight with me.” “Shoot.” He said, waiting for my question with a smile. “Where’s Elvis?” I asked. Vernon’s face fell and he went quiet. “Where is he, Vernon?” I asked again, putting my hands on my hips. “He’s... He’s...” “Spit it out.” But he didn’t need to say anything. When I saw a scantily clad Linda walk by behind him, I knew instantly where Elvis had been. Vernon followed my eyes and cringed. “We didn’t want to tell you, Ann. We wanted to talk with him, make him think of you, but... y’know how it is. How he is.” I nodded, holding back tears. “Yeah; I know how it is.” When Elvis appeared, still wearing his silk night robe, I crumbled. “I’ll see Lisa another day, huh?” I said to Vernon, turning away just as Elvis looked at me. “Annie...” Vernon began to say, but I held my hand up. Elvis began to walk towards me, but I continued to back out of the house. “Tell her, Vernon. Tell her I’ll come get her in a few days, okay?” “Sure Annie. I’ll tell her.” As I walked – and later ran – out of the house, I could hear Elvis trying to get to me. “What’s wrong with her, Daddy? Why isn’t she staying to see Lisa?” “Why don’t you fuckin’ ask her?” Vernon replied. I glanced over my shoulder, just in time to see Vernon slap Elvis over the head and begin to shake his own head. “What’s wrong with you, boy?” He asked his son.

I’d never ran so fast, not even in sporting events in high school. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Elvis; for a split second, I didn’t want to be part of his perfectly messed up world. I pushed one to many heartaches aside for him, especially since we’d become physical with one another. Seeing him with another woman shouldn’t have hurt; I’d seen him be affection with Priscilla plenty of times over the years. But Linda was even young than Cilla; she made me feel old, like yesterday’s news. For the first time in all the years I’d known him, I felt like I wasn’t enough for Elvis. I’d always been the one constant thing in his life, and suddenly I felt I wasn’t needed. It tore me up inside.

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