"The red thread" //Fillie

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"Cut! ... Millie, Finn, 5 minutes guys". Shawn yelled into the megaphone before turning to see the Duffer brothers.

"Do you really think we need one more shot? I mean, the guys have been kissing for over 1 hour".

At that time they were reviewing the last takes, that morning they were recording the scene of the second kiss, the kiss just before "Hopper's talk" episode 2, it was the most heated kiss of the season and the Duffer brothers were perfectionists, especially especially in Mileven's stuff.

"Shawn, are you aware that with this kiss we are going to basically show that they are no longer kids? It is risky, think about this: on the one hand we have to reflect the level of hormones that adolescents handle at that age, they are adolescents lovers, alone in a room, if the kiss is too soft and repressed we will not project reality". Matt said.

"True". Ross responds in agreement with his brother while continuing his point of view. "And on the other hand, the kiss can't be too wild, because ... My God! This is still a family show".

"Are you talking about letting them improvise?" Matt said as he stared at Ross who seemed to agree with the idea.

"Shawn is right Matt, I mean, just remember the filming of last week, in the Sauna scene, that scene was incredible and it was completely theirs, the way in which Millie continued acting despite her moment of weakness and the way in which Finn adapted by protecting her without leaving the character of Mike, damn!, for a moment I had a hard time identifying the limits between acting and reality, they undoubtedly gave us what will be one of the favorite scenes of fans".

"Then don't say more". Shawn said "Let's talk to the guys".

Just then, Millie and Finn were on Eleven's bed, waiting for filming to resume or to be allowed to leave.

"Do you think they want one more shot?". Millie asked Finn as he leaned against the wall.

"Shit, I hope so! ... I mean!". Finn immediately corrected himself, cursing himself for how bad that sounded. "I mean I really care about these scenes, like...I hope they do whatever it takes to make it perfect, these types of scenes are what the fans expect, like...you know, the mileven shippers are demanding ... and we are the fucking captains of this ship Mills!". He said making her laugh and a little calmer for managing to divert attention from his carelessness of a moment ago. "Well ... the 5 minutes are about to end so just in case I have to eat your face again, let's take some of these." Said Finn took a box of tic-tacs from his pants pocket.

"FINNIE!". Millie chided him as she tried to control her laugh by remembering that in Season 1, when they filmed their first kiss scene, Finn literally looked like he was going to eat her, like he was a Shark, the only shark she didn't hate.

"You really always have a box of that with you, right?". She questioned him.

"Hey! I am just cautious, I would not like in some years when you are in an interview with Jimmy Fallon or Ellen DeGeneres and they ask you: Millie, had you ever kissed someone with bad breath? Say my name on a national level and the other day when I wake up I see my ugly face in every note on the internet, Twitter, Instagram and that shit, so ... ".

"Finn, Millie". Shawn's voice cut them off, "Guys, we want to take one more shot, but there's a change of plans".

"Do we have to get to second base or something?". Millie said causing Finn to spit out his water, causing Shawn, Matt and Ross to back off while preventing Finn from wetting them.

"Mills, you really have to stop with this". Finn said trying to catch his breath, despite what many people thought, Finn and Millie's relationship was very close, which is why Finn always describes Millie as a very fun and professional person, they were always joking and the next second she was perfectly focused ... Unfortunately for Finn, Millie's fun plan this season was to annoy him every time he drank water, which happened very often, they had 3 months of recordings and Finn had almost died of drowning countless times, Millie was always attentive waiting for the moment when he would put the bottle to his mouth and just in that moment she would say something that would make him laugh or be scared, sometimes it didn't work but when it did ... God, that was priceless and that was one of those moments.

(ONE SHOT) MILEVEN//FILLIE ♥Where stories live. Discover now