Isolation, tantrums and boredom!

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Jonah's pov
We've been stuck inside for 2 days now. Everyone is in isolation, cuz of that bloody Coronavirus going around. The babies don't know or understand, so they're just getting along with what they normally do daily. They just play, nap, eat and watch TV all day. For me, Daniel and Corbyn, we're all so bored! "Dani, can we go to the park pwease?" Jack asks cutely. "No, Jack." Daniel replies shaking his head. He whines and asks: "Why not?" Daniel sighs slightly annoyed and picks Jack up, setting him on his lap. "Ok, everyone in the whole world has to stay in isolation because of this virus going around." Daniel explains, but Jack probably doesn't understand. "So.... we can go park then?" He asks looking at Daniel hopefully. Me and Corbyn chuckle slightly and Daniel rolls his eyes at us. "No, Jack, we can't leave our house. No one can. Only if they're going food shopping or something important." Daniel tells him. "This is whatever word you said." Jack says whining slightly. Me and Corbyn chuckle again. "The word is important and no, it's not important." Daniel says shaking his head. "It is!" Jack yells angrily. "Shhhh, calm down." Daniel says gently and Jack whines. "Jacky, wanna pway?" Zach asks holding a toy car out to Jack. "No, go away." Jack says sticking his foot out and kicking Zach over. "Ow!" Zach yells out in pain. He starts to cry his eyes out. "Jack!" Daniel yells angrily. I go over and pick Zach up and sit back down on the couch. Luckily, Corbyn was inbetween me and Daniel, so Jack can't hurt Zach again. "Are you ok, bubba?" I ask Zach who was still crying. "N-N-No." He replies through his cries. "What hurts?" I ask kissing his forehead. He wipes his tears away and sniffles. "My chest." He replies and I nod. Jack kicked him really hard there. I pick him up and head into the kitchen. I take his shirt of and see it's already starting to bruise. I put his shirt back on and grab an ice pack from the freezer. "Bubba, can you just hold this on your chest?" I ask him handing him the ice pack. He nods and takes the ice pack from me. He shivers as he puts it on his chest. I pick him up and carry him back into the living room. Daniel and Jack weren't in there, just Corbyn, me and Zach. "Where's Daniel and Jack?" I ask sitting down next to Corbyn with Zach on my lap. "In the dining room telling Jack off." He replies and I nod.

Daniel's pov
"Jack, I can't believe you did that." I tell him sternly. "He deserves it!" Jack yells angrily. "No yelling." I tell him still sternly. He whines and stomps his foot. "Look, I'm gonna pu-" I start but Jack cuts me off. "NO!!!!!! IM NOT GONING TO TIMEOUT!!!!!!!" Jack screams before running off. I sigh angrily and get up to go find him. "Did you guys see Hack run off?" I ask the guys who were still in the living room. "No." Corbyn replies. "Nope." Jonah replies shaking his head. I nod and rush into the kitchen, but he's not in there. I decided to check upstairs. I run upstairs and search for him. I look in all the bedrooms and find him in my room, under the duvet. I lift the duvet off him and he turns to look at me. I see tears rolling down his cheeks and his eyes are all red and puffy. "Awww, baby." I say smiling slightly and picking him up. He cries into my shoulder as I gently rub his back. "I'm sowy, Da-ni." Jsck says choking on a sob at the end. "Its ok, baby." I say gently. He just continues to cry into my shoulder. "I still need to put you in timeout though." I tell him and he just nods. I head downstairs and place him on the timeout chair. "I'm giving you 5 minutes." I tell him and hd boss, still crying his eyes out. I'm not sure why he's crying, but oh well.  "Is Jacky otay?" Zach asks me as I enter the living room. "He's fine, just a bit upset." I reply and he nods, looking back at the TV. I see that Paw patrol is on. I sit down and go on my phone like Corbyn and Jonah are. Zach is snuggled up into Jonah's side, watching the puppies save the day. I keep an eye on the time,so I don't forget about Jack being in timeout. 5 minutes later, I get up and go to get Jack out of time out. I go over to the timeout chair and see that he's curled up on the seat and is fast asleep. I check the time and see its 4.00pm. I smile and pick him up. I carry him upstairs and into his bedroom. I lay him down in his crib and cover him up with his racing car duvet. I kiss his cheek and exit his room. Jack didnt sleep throughout hid bap and I don't know why. Anyways, I head back downstairs and tell the others that Jack is asleep. We all just talked while Zach played and Jack slept. Its currently 5.30pm, do I need to wake Jsck up soon. "I'll start dinner." Corbyn says exiting the living room. "I'll wake Jack up." I say heading upstairs.

Zach's pov
I'm so bored! We cant fo anything, because there's apparently something going around. I don't know what it is, but we can't go to the park, the zoo or even feed the duckies at the lake, down the road. I sigh sadly and just look at my action figure in my hand. I put it on the ground and lay down on the soft, cream carpet on the living room floor. "What's up, Zach?" Jonah asks me. "I'm just so bored." I reply sadly. Jonah looks at me sympathetically and holds his arms out. I stand up and walk over to him. He lifts me up and onto his lap. "Don't worry, Bubba. Hopefully, this thing won't last too long." He tells me and I just sigh sadly. "You can stil have fun indoors and you can fun in the backyard. We just bought you and Jack a slide, swing set and a new goal post. You still gave the trampoline too." He tells me and I nod. "We have toy in here too." I say smiling slightly. "Exactly. You don't have to worry about anything, Bubba." Jonah says smiling and I smile too. We hug each other tightly and then I get off his lap and onto the floor again. I see Daniel cone downstairs with Jack in his arms. "Hi, Jacky." I say smiling. "Hewo." He says quietly. "Are you otay?" I ask confused. Why is he so quiet? "He's fine. He's just woken up." Daniel tells me and I nod. That's why he's so quiet. I continue to play with my action figures until dinner is ready. "Dinner!" Corbyn calls about 5 minutes later. Jonah picks me up and Carrie's me into the kitchen, Daniel doing the same with Jack. We both get set in our high chairs. "Tonight is.... homemade Tacos." Corbyn says smiling and giving everyone two tacos. "Yucky!" I say pushing my plate away. It nearly fell of the high chair table thingy. "Zach,that could fallen. Now come on, eat up. It's really yummy." Jonah tells me gently. "No." I whine turning my head away and crossing my arms. "Zach, come on, just eat up." Jonah says still gently. "Noooo!" I whine a bit too loudly. "Shhh, no yelling or whining." Jonah tells me a bit more sternly. "I don't want these." I say pushing them off my high chair table. Jonah stands up and picks me up out of my high chair. He carries me upstairs and into his room. "Why did you do that?!" He asks me angrily and yelling at me. I burst into tears and sit on the floor with my legs crossed. "Zach, stand up." Jonah tells me sternly. "No!" I yell still crying ny eyes out. He groans in annoyance. He picks me up and sets me on his lap. He hugs me while waiting for me to calm down. About 5 minutes later, I was calmed down and my tears were now just quiet sobs every now and then. "Right, lets talk about what just happened." Jonah says. "I'm sowy." I say sadly. "It's ok, but why did you do it?" He asks me and I shrug. "I guess.... I do know. I was weally mean." I say sadly. "Look, just apologise to Corbyn, since he made the food." Jobah tells me and I nod. I hold my arms out to him and he picks me up, carrying me downstairs. We enter the kitchen and we see the others still eating. "I'm sowy, bean." I say and he smiles. "It's ok, Zach." He says smiling back at me. Jonah sits back down at the table with me on his lap. He shares his tacos with me, which I eat happily. They were actually really good. All the fuss about nothing. What a day.

Word count: 1574

The ending is pretty bad. Until the next chapter, KaiKai is out!

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