Chapter 40

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When you went by A.I.M. around seven, just as the sun was preparing to set, you were surprised to be greeted by Mr. Adams. You hadn't seen him since the meeting with the Russians and the A.I.M.-Bot, the one Spider-Man called Leggy-Eggy.

"Black Light, hello!"

"Mr. Adams, it's been a bit."

"Oh, yes, I've been away in Russia, had a few meetings with the President, very important things. I hear you're checking Venom out for use tonight?"

You nodded.

"I take it you're still sticking to the plan you originally told me, however?"

"Yes, sir. Just with the added help of Venom."

"Very good, very good!" His eyes glittered with more enthusiasm than you'd seen before. "Well, I'm off to another meeting, but I'll be keeping my eye on the news tonight. Good luck, Black Light. You know what happens if you fail."

You swallowed, nodding. "Yes, sir."

And then suddenly, as if in a haze, you were leaving the A.I.M. base with the metal canister of Venom in your messenger bag along with your Black Light disguise. You were meeting Harry at his place, apparently Peter had left early for some emergency errand. Which worked out perfectly, because you were ahead of schedule anyway and unsure of what to do.


"Okay, but where do we do the whole thing?"

"I know a place," you said, sitting on the couch and opening your bag. "Big ass construction building near the park." You pulled out the container of Venom, setting the huge canister down on Harry Osborn's coffee table with a clink and a loud dramatic thud.

"What the fuck, that's Venom? I didn't realize that's what it looked like when it's..."

"Flying solo?" You said dryly. "Yeah. I need to tell you what to do in case it takes me over."


"I mean, we get along really great and I've pretty much got control, but that's in training situations. I just wanna take precautions."


"It doesn't like fire. Or loud noises. That's pretty much it."

"So if it takes over, set you on fire?"

"Or you could use the floodlights on your hover thingy and blast sirens at it. Jeez, dude," you laughed. "You got the camera?"

"Check. And the... I know you said rope, but I just thought chains would be more-"

You waved Harry off. "Chains work too. We just need to make the damsel in distress thing realistic."


Tony Stark was watching the opening monologue of that weekend's Saturday Night Live, laughing in his tower, when his broadcast was suddenly interrupted. The screen went fuzzy, there was a loud beep, and then suddenly the mask of the Green Goblin was filling the screen, as if he was just turning on the camera.

"Ahehehehhh, there weee gooo!" The voice under the helmet-mask was distorted, high and scratchy like a Halloween voice filter. Tony put down his drink, the laugh gone from his face. "Hellooo, New York! I'm sure enough of you know who I am, so I'm going to cut to the chase. This message is for Spider-Man and Tony Stark, since you two seem to be suuuch good friends." Green Goblin backed away from the camera, revealing the scene behind him.

"Shit," Tony swore. "Jarvis, call Spidey."


Spider-Man was eating pizza on a billboard downtown, mask pulled half-up over his face. Needless to say, the pizza was instantly forgotten when all of the digital billboards were replaced with live footage from the Green Goblin, and Spider-Man was on his feet the second Green Goblin stepped aside from the camera to reveal you in the background, chained to a steel beam in an abandoned construction site with metallic green tape over your mouth, seemingly unconscious. The camera shifted as Green Goblin picked up the camera and moved closer.

Lacuna (Spiderman X reader)Where stories live. Discover now