The Three (changeable)

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                                                                                  Chapter: 1

IceHawk plunged into the camp, freezing in mid-stride as both Ashtere and Sandstorm walked right past him, giving him genuine looks of curiosity.  IceHawk ignored them and turned around, grabbing the two rabbits he had caught.  His pendant jingled quietly as he trotted over towards Buio's resting spot.  He stopped in front of her and watched her expression carefully as he dropped the plump and juicy rabbit in front of her.  She looked him in the eye and his heart nearly burst out of his chest.

"Why are you always bringing me food?  Don't you think I'm strong enough to catch my own?" Buio asked.  The male wolf just stared at her with his mouth open, prepared to speak, but with no words coming out.  "What?  Wolf got your tongue?  Why don't you ever talk to me?" She stood up and lifted her tail high. "IceHawk are you afraid of me and my awesomeness," she brought her muzzle right next to his, "or do you like me?"  She sat down and laughed long and hard.  IceHawk spun swiftly around and walked with haste back to the fresh-kill pile.  He exchanged his second rabbit for a mockingbird that another wolf had caught and then he disappeared through the bracken, making his way back into the forest clearing.  He laid down and set upon eating the bird while he basked in the sunlight.

"What am I thinking, always bringing her food?" he hissed aloud, tearing into the flesh of the idiotic puff of feathers.  Suddenly, a twig snapped behind the trees in front of him.  A yelp of anger alerted IceHawk that he was probably being watched.  Not only that, but now that the he tasted the colourless atmosphere, he could tell that there were many wolves around him... and they weren't from his pack.  He had never been in a situation like this before, so his head was already spinning.  He stood up from where he had laid down only a few minutes ago.  His thoughts told him to run, his instincts told him to protect himself by standing his ground, but only one miniature part of him asked quietly for him to alert his pack.  He listened to the smallest piece of his mind, raised his head and let out a bone-chilling song.

Buio raised her head from the rabbit that IceHawk had brought her.  Her ears pricked up all the way and she raised her tail.  She knew things had been too peaceful lately... it had been getting suspicious and now with a howl that she knew meant 'intruders!', she looked over at Ashtere and Sandstorm who had been sharing a small doe.  They had heard the howl as well and returned her gaze.  With that one glance shared, the three jumped through the brush, racing towards IceHawk's voice.

"I'll get that IceHawk!  He's in no condition to fight anything since he twisted his paw catching MY rabbit!" Buios eyes widened a little in surprise.  He had caught the rabbit that Ashtere was chasing?  True, Ashtere was the fastest male in the pack, but IceHawk?  That screw-up?  "He's my half-brother anyway, so what the fur..." Inside, Ashtere's heart was pounding at a incredibly fast rate.  Even if he pretended not to like IceHawk, he was the only family he'd ever known, and that was enough to make Ashtere jump in and give all he was worth to protect that bond.

By now, at least four wolves from another pack were in sight of IceHawk.  Their leader, a small female wolf with russet fur, tackled IceHawk without warning and pinned him to the ground.

"Be quiet fool!" she snarled, glaring down at him.  IceHawk smirked, he curled in his hind legs towards his belly, then pounded as hard as he could with his two hind legs.  The female jumped off of him almost immediately, barely scratching at his soft fur covering his exposed stomach.  The moment he felt her weight leave him, IceHawk stumbled to his paws and raised his tail high in the air, his muscles rippling through his obsidian pelt.  All of a sudden, Buio burst through the clearing with Ashtere and Sandstorm at her flanks. IceHawk turned his head, catching sight of the three, and then the wolves that had been hidden in the foilage launched towards him, tackling him and ripping at his pendant.  The last thing IceHawk remembered was falling face-forward to the ground and tasting the soil on his pink tongue.

What happened next cannot be described by the wolves, therefore, I, as the narrator, will help to clear up some of the mess.  When IceHawk's thoughts blurred,  three wolves attacked Buio and her comrades, making her let out a high pitched scream.  It was here that all hell broke loose subtly and quickly.  Although not concious of what he was doing, IceHawk stood up on all four legs and snarled viciously.  Then, the most pecuilar thing occured.  The pendant around the male's neck began to glow.  The ice blue glass glittered brilliantly with a light of its own.  It's carriers eyes were blank and sightless, as if he were a zombie.  The blood was rushing through his body, letting him get high off of the adrenaline that came with every single heart-beat.  He turned his massive head towards the female that had attacked him earlier, pounded his back legs and kicked up dirt as he sprung across and ripped out her throat, leaving her no time to struggle.  Crimson blood spilled down to the terra, dotting the soil with flecks of scarlet.  A bone-chilling screech escaped her voicebox as her larynx was pierced and twisted violently.  IceHawk let her drop to the ground, lifeless and cold.  He then turned to the other wolves that had attacked him and his pack mates.  They tucked in their tails and made a run for it.  IceHawk stood there, proud and tall, with dull blank eyes that could not see, a pendant glowing like a blue sun, and blood staining his fangs and muzzle.  The light in his pendant faded slowly, and Sandstorm, Ashtere, and Buio watched as he sunk to the ground in a massive heap next to the alphess he had just obliterated.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2010 ⏰

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