this story is about a girl named minre who's a rebel against her father, along they way in her journey she meets some friends Maggs, Tyler, and the love of her life Zane. they all go through alot together ,and won't let anything happen to one anothe...
A man in a white cloak appears floating in the air with another man thats nothing but a void.
Everyone exchanges glances.
"That's entity 303 and null their enimies of our father,"Minre whispers to the rest of the gang
"So their the entitys were supposed to get rid of,"Maggs says in a quiet voice
Minre and Hero both nod
Tyler's tail tightens a little bit around Maggs waist protectively
"Dude there are five of us all together don't need to be so protective, "Zane says whispering
"I have every reason to be protective,"Tyler says in a slight growl
"He has a point Zane entity 303, and null are some of the most powerful beings besides Me and Hero's father, "Minre says in a quiet voice
Entity 303 and null float down to the ground.
"Minre so what's the plan?, "Hero asks
"Well I was think we surround them"Minre says like the team leader
Minre finishes explaining the plan to everyone ,and they all get into their passions but Tyler still won't let Maggs out of his sight so she's still stuck with him.
Minre,Hero and Zane start to slowly close in on the entity's.
Tyler and Maggs follow their lead but Tyler isn't even having Maggs touch the ground he has her in one of his arms.
Maggs doesn't look very happy but she also knows how Tyler is when it comes to her safety so she kinda has no choice at what he does sometimes.
Minre and Hero exchange glances as they move closer to the entity's.
"Come on Hero," Minre whispers to Hero
"Let's do it, "Hero whispers back
They both try and jump on the entity's.
"Oh no you don't, "Entity smirks and grabs Minre by the arm.
Minre growls and pulls away.
Hero jumps and tackles Null.
Null holds Hero by the forehead as Hero keeps trying to get to him.
Tyler sets Maggs down.
"Stay "Tyler says glaring at her
Maggs gulps and just sits behind a tree.
Tyler runs behind them both and splashes a harming potion on the entity's.
Entity and Null shout in pain from the potion.
Tyler grabs Minre and Hero, he takes them to the tree where he left Maggs.
"Are you guys Okay?"Tyler asks
"Yeah, but we need to be careful around them I think they can see us coming "Minre says looking up at Tyler.
"Wait where is Zane?!"Hero sounds a little panicked
Zane is creeping up to attack Entity.
"We need to get him out of there before he gets hurt, he doesn't know we retreated "Minre says looking at Hero.
They hear a scream from the distance.
Minre,Hero, Tyler and Maggs run to the scream.
They all see Zane's feet are off the ground, and entity is using his powers to make him levitate off the ground.
"What the heck!?"Maggs is slightly freaking out but at the same time she's astonished as well
"A LITTLE HELP HERE! "Zane shouts as he's moving around in circles as if he was in Zero G.
Zane is trying to reach for a solid object
"Sorry Tyler but I need to break your rule "Maggs says
"Wait what?"Tyler looks over at Maggs confused
Maggs pulls her bangs back and her hair starts to fade into pink, she taps her shoes on the ground and her shoes change into boots with long black and red socks. she moves her arms in a soft motion and sleeves appear on her arms, Maggs puts her hands on her chest, shorts and a dress appears, she softly waves her arm across the dress and a belt appears she gently puts her hand on the top of her chest closes to her neck and a necklace appears. Lastly she spreads her arms out like wings and a pare of light pink wing appear on her back.
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I know i'm so mean XD i'm going to leave you at another cliff hanger. bye