A Feeling Come True

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The third day of training camp was the same as yesterday, everyone doing their individual training although this time Shouto and I get paired up. Aizawa wanted him to create large things of ice and I had to melt it. It strained me, but I didn't pass out from heights or of heatstroke, Shoutos ice always blew this cold wind whenever he created a new block.

"You doing good over there?" Shouto asked as he makes a new ice block, my hands blaze and the ice melts, "I should be asking you that" I melt another thing of ice, "you're kinda slowing down" Shouto smiles playfully, "I'm slowing down? I'm only doing that because you are" I scoff, "you wanna see fast melting?" Shouto sends another wave of ice and I let out a larger amount of fire, the ice melts the moment it makes contact, "that's fast melting." I say panting a bit, Shouto sends more ice, "just don't over do it, we don't want a repeat of yesterday" I melt the ice, "who says I don't want that? That nap was very nice" I say, Shouto shoots more ice and I melt it, he stops and takes a breather, "we should probably take a break." I raise a brow, "are we allowed to?" I ask, Shouto shrugs, "not sure, but my hand is starting to get frost bite" he says laughing lightly, I nod and take a seat the ground, "okay, we can just sit here for a minute then" Shouto nods and falls onto the ground next to me, "you got any water?" I nod and grab the large water container next to me, handing it to Shouto, "apparently I was extremely dehydrated yesterday, that's a new thing I found out my quirk could do to me...so Mr. Aizawa told me to carry this water jug around today" Shouto stops drinking then hands it to me, "that's smart, you did look a little flushed yesterday after spewing out fire for about an hour" I nod, "I did feel hot.."

"Don't lose focus." I hear Aizawa yell to the students.

'Is he talking to us specifically?'

"Every one of you can go even faster and further. No matter what you're doing, remember where you started from. Don't forget who you were before UA. Always keep in mind why you're sweating and why your limits keep getting tested. That's what it means to improve" I put the cap on my water.

'Why and how I got here..huh.'

I see Izuku run up to Aizawa, at that moment Shouto turns to me and stands, "I'm gonna go to the restroom really quick, I'll be right back" I nod, "okay, and when you come back I'm gonna melt ice so fast that you won't be able to produce anymore" Shouto rolls his eyes playfully, "alright, guess that's a challenge in and back down from" I raise my jug of water, "you know it!" Shouto smiles then walks off, when he does I hear a familiar laugh from the nearby water truck Pixie Bob was sitting on.

"Meow meow meow meow! More importantly! Tonight's gonna be fun!" I raise a brow.

'Whats she talking about? Can't we all just do what we normally do and eat food then sleep? Why is fun in the training camp factor?'

Pixie Bob swings her legs on the edge of the truck, "We're pinning classes against each other in a test of courage! I know you've been training hard today! And later you'll get to play hard! How's that for award?!" She asks enthusiastically, I was a little unsure about this, tests of courage are fun and all, but with the bad feeling I've had since yesterday night I've been a little cautious of things. And I don't think this would be a good idea if something bad did happen, "Don't like now! Make sure you keep pushing yourselves as you work!"
"Yes ma'am!" The classes yell. I place my water jug down after taking another drink, then stand. I brush my gym uniform off a bit.

'I would be up for it..but I really don't feel good about this.'


Dinner finally came around and we all took part in making tonight's dinner. Shouto and I lit the fires then went around bringing vegetables and meat to everyone who needed it. I pass by Ochaco and Kacchan who were cutting vegetables. I knew Kacchan was a whiz in the kitchen, has been since he was a kid, and I knew he was fast with a knife so when I saw him speed through the carrots I wasn't very surprised, "Woah Bakugo! You're really good with that knife! It's really weird..." Ochaco comments, he turns to her still cutting the carrots, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS WIERD?! HOW COME YOU PEOPLE ARE SO DAMN SLOW AT EVERYTHING?!" He yells, "don't cut yourself with that knife Katsuki." I comment as I walk by, "DONT MOTHER ME DAMNIT!" He shouts at me, "Look at that, he's not blowing stuff up" Denki says as he passes me, I laugh lightly, "Would you be surprised if he did?"

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I stop by Shouto and Izuku, Izuku was putting wood in the fire place and Shouto was talking to Izuku, "how are my two favorite boys?" I ask walking you to them, Shouto smiles, "better now that you're here" I roll my eyes playfully, "settle down Romeo, how are you Izuku?" I ask, he puts more wood into the furnace, "fine, I've just been a little worried about Kota.." I frown, "Kota? Why is he okay?" Izuku nods, "he is, but he's been having a hard time accepting us being here." I hum, "does it have something to do with what he said about hero's when we got here?" I ask, Izuku nods again, "yeah, his parents died saving some citizens. Since then he's hated hero's and quirks. He hates the entire society of super humans" I nod sadly, at his age Izuku and I were gaga about hero's, it's sad to see someone as young as him hate the world and everything he is, "Todoroki and I were just talking about what he would do about it. I was hoping All Might would be here, maybe he could convince him to think otherwise?" I shake my head, "Izu, you can't really convince people with words. In my opinion it's never enough, actions work better."
"That's what I said" Shouto replied, I smile, "great minds think alike" Izuku speaks up, "I just don't want him to hate the world, or hero's for that matter of fact. It's just sad...seeing someone at his age be like this when I loved hero's so much at his age.." I hum, "it is sad, but Izuku if you want him to change his mind you have to do something for him to see." He nods, "I know.."

"YOU GUYS!" The three of us turn to Iida who was peeling potatoes at a rapid rate, "Your hands aren't moving! We'll never make the best stew if you stop now!" I snicker, "you got it class rep" I turn back to the two, "I'm gonna go help with cutting the ingredients, I need to make sure Kacchan doesn't cut someone" Izuku nervously sweats, Shouto just rolls his eyes, "do what you need to do. Just make sure he doesn't run after me with a knife" I give Izuku a thumbs up, "got it."


"Perfect! We filled our bellies and clean the plates! It's fine foooorr-"
"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina interrupts Pixie Bob, "We're gonna win!!" Kirishima, Sato, Sero, and Denki yell in sync, "not so fast." Aizawa interrupts, "It pains me to say but the remedial class will have lessons with me tonight instead."

'Are you really pained though? You don't sound like it.'

Minas face drops into despair, "You gotta be kidding me!!" She screams, "sorry," he wraps the five students in his scarf, "Your training didn't impress me during the day so I'll use this time instead" four out of the five students anime fall as they are dragged away by our teacher, "give me a break!" Sero yells, "I just wanted to prove my courage!!" Denki and Kirishima yell. I sigh as I continue to watch my five classmates being dragged away.

Like Pixie Bob said we ate our bitter stew, cleaned up, then processed to head into the woods to start the test of courage she had planned for us. Although everyone was excited I was extremely nervous, I barely ate the stew that we made as a class.

"Okay! So! Class B is going to start out of scarers. Pairs of class A will venture out into the forest every three minutes. There are tags with your names on the far end of each route! Your goal is to collect those" Pixie Bob explains, "revelry in the dark" I hear Tokayami mumble, a shiver goes down my spine.

'Why did he say that?'

"Those who are scarers aren't allowed to make any physical contact with the other students passing by! You have to use your quirks to terrify the others! Got it?" She finishes, both classes nod, "the winners are decided through the most creative student who make the most people piss their pants!!" Tiger shouts (another member of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats), I frown, "did we even need that visual?" I whisper to Shouto, he frowns too, "nope."

"I see, they're encouraging us to spark our imaginations to compete with each other all while using our quirks in the process! As expected of UA!" Iida comments, I bob my head a bit.

'Guess that makes sense if you look at it that way'

"Alright! Everyone draw to see who your partner will be!" Pixie Bob goes around handing students of 1-A slips of paper, each slip had a number and whoever had the other number was your partner. In the end there were eight groups in total, "who'd you get?" I ask Shouto, his face twists into a scowl, "Bakugo..." I shake my head and pat his shoulder, "please don't kill him, I get you're overprotective of me when it comes to him so just don't beat him up while you two are alone." Shouto averts his gaze, "no promises..." I smile nervously then look at my paper, "oh, HEY WHO HAS EIGHT?!" I shout, I could see Izuku turn my way, he smiles then walks up to me, "guess we're partners!" I high five him, "awesome! Team Midoriya reunited!" I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and turn around, "oh, Kacchan" he glares at Shouto, "switch with me. He's your boyfriend right?" I point to Izuku, "not unless you want Izuku" Kacchan groans, "that's even worse!" He grabs Ojiro who was passing by, "SWITCH WITH ME!" He yells, I sigh ignoring his yelling of compromise and turn to Izuku, "Like I said, team Midoriya is back" I say with a smile, Izuku nods, "yeah!"


12 minutes later, screams could be heard in the forest. I'm guessing class B was doing their job well...

Kacchan and Shouto had already gone in, I wonder if they got scared yet, "next team!" Pixie Bob motions Ochaco and Tsu into the woods, Ochaco waves to me and Izuku pitifully, "bye guys, wish us luck" we wave back, "good luck!" I give her a thumbs up before she and Tsu disappear into the woods. I hear another scream causing me to jump, "Geez...class B really is doing a good job at scaring our class." Izuku nods, "I don't think Monoma is gonna let that go for awhile.." I look up at my brother, "you think?" I ask sarcastically, "Oh! Some of Class A failed the exam?! How eMbArAsSiNg" I say, waving my arms around in a dumb way, impersonating Monoma, Izuku laughs lightly, "yeah, that's about right" I smile, I look off into the forest for a moment then frown, "hey.." Izuku looks at me, "About Kota. Who were his parents?" I ask, Izuku gets a sad look on his face, "his parents were the Water Hose hero's." I lower my head a bit, "oh..I remember seeing them on the news a while back...I felt really bad, but I didn't think much of it at the time. I didn't even think they had a kid" Izuku nods, "I didn't either."

I raise a brow when I suddenly smell something sour, I sniff the air a bit, what lingered close behind that sour smell was the strong sent of smoke. Worry spreads across my face, "Izuku, do you smell that?" I ask, he raises a brow then sniffs the air, "yeah...it smells sour." I nod, "yeah, but I also smell smoke." His eyes widen, "what?"

"Black smoke." I hear Pixie Bob mumble, I snap my attention to her before I look up at the sky, she was right about the black smoke, "has something been set ablaze?" Iida asked, "maybe a fire on the mountain?" Izuku asks, I shake my head, "no...it smells closer than that." Pixie Bob was suddenly surrounded by some sort of pink glow, the few of us students left gasp as she is pulled into the forest, "Pixie Bob!" I yell, "Hey! What's happening to Pixie Bob?!" Iida yells, she yelps in fear as she is pulled into the forest, suddenly a large object covered in a white cloth appeared out of the woods and Pixie Bob runs into it head first. Once she makes contact blood pours out of her head and she falls unconscious, my eyes widen as two figures walk out of the dark forest, "no way..." I mumble, I back up a bit when I see a woman with big lips, a little stubble on her chin, and wearing sunglasses. Then next to her was a lizard who wore clothing all too familiar to me.


The woman smiles, "let's get if of these feral cats" she says slamming the covered object in her hand to the ground, "What?... no way..I thought they made sure no one could find us! So why the heck are the villains attacking this place?!" Mineta shouts, Izuku breaks into a run towards the figures and Pixie Bob, "Izuku!"
"Pixie Bob!" Tiger lifts his hand in front of Izuku, stopping him, "this is bad.." Mandalay mumbles, Izukus eyes suddenly widen and a look of horror spread across his face as he frantically looks around the area, "where's Kota?!"


Deep in the forest, a man with bright red hair stood in the mist of the blue flames. A smile crossing his face, "now..it begins."


'I should've listened to my bad feeling.'

Okay! Just a bit of a heads up. Next chapter we get pretty much everything revealed. All y'alls theories are about to either be true or be wrong, so get ready for that >:3

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