Chapter 28

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I woke up with Austin wrapped round me. Holding on tight. Like I would escape if he didn't. I tried to untangle myself gently as to not wake up Austin. He stirred and pulled me in tighter "where do you think your going" he croaked

"The toilet, I don't feel too well"

"Can I get you anything?" He lets go his face looking concerned.

" Not yet" I snuggle off the bed and bed down to his his forehead

I walked into the toilet and sat down. My period, I could tell already. I felt the tell take stomach drop. This was it the final step. A tear rolled down my cheek. I hadn't fully processed it all. I didn't get the chance to decide if I wanted to keep the baby before the decision was taken away from me. I wasn't in a relationship with either man. Not that it would matter they would have both stuck by me, they are good men. But I'm only young I never planned having kids at my age. My career came first. I think I'd need to be completely ready next time. I don't think I could make that decision if I got caught again.

I dug around in my toiletries bag and found one lone tampon. We need a pits stop.

I pulled on some shorts and Austin's t-shirt from last night and crawled back under the covers.

"Your clothed?" He opens one eye as he pulls me into his chest

"Yeah, we need to make a pits stop. I came on my period" I sigh

"Target run?" He strokes my stomach. He's the cutest

"Yes, let me get dressed and I'll get Lottie" I kiss him quick and jump up excited. He chuckled and dragged himself out of bed behind me taking out his phone and sending a few texts.

I was feeling bloated so I went for comfort over fashion so tracksuit it was. I rolled Lottie out of her bunk "target run!" She was ready in less than 5 mins skipping around.

"You 2 are crazy!" Austin and Adam  watch us as we wait for the bus to stop
"That's why you like us so much, we keep things interesting!" Lottie sings

"You 2 are crazy!" Austin and Adam  watch us as we wait for the bus to stop"That's why you like us so much, we keep things interesting!" Lottie sings

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We got a trolley each and split up. I've not been out alone with Austin properly before and not been out in the public since the whole break up. We saunter down aisles picking up random stuff.

"We should get some new bedding for our bed" he ponders

"Our bed?" I tease

"Well we have been sharing it" I scratches his head

"I call it ours just never heard it out loud before" I avoid his eye contact feeling shy.

"Well everyone else calls it that" he slips a hand round my waist

"Everyone?" I look up at him shocked

"Yeah kinda" he smiles awkwardly at me

"What do they think we are? Because we have even spoke about that" I lean my head on his chest

" They are waiting on us on that one"

"Well you've never even taken me on a date..." I chuckle

"Shit I haven't have I... Well we will sort that out. That's if you want to go on a date with me? It's fine if you don't, I've never asked you if you like me like that" he rambles. I stop walking, put my hands around his neck, go on my tiptoes and pull him down to kiss me.

"I'd love to go on a date with you. And it doesn't need to be anything fancy. I'd be happy just to spend time with you alone" I kiss him lightly and carry on walking.

"I think I'll be ready to start performing again soon"

"Are you sure? Your cast had still got to stay on for a while yet" he looks down at me concerned

"Well I can come to the venues early and start to do a couple of songs in sound check and see how I feel" I look up hopeful.  Well he is the boss man "I'm bored on the bus alone and I miss watching you perform" I pout batting my eyelashes at him

"Stop it! Don't use those girly tactics on me it's not fair!"

"I could always bribe you with sexual favours?" I slip my hand up his t-shirt

"Now that's something I can get behind" he grabs my ass

"Easy tiger, remember the reason for this emergency target run. Now do we need cushions for the bed?"

"I'd say no but I'm probably going to be wrong" he runs his hand through his hair and puts it back on my ass "maybe pick the bedding first?"

"Good idea batman. Now pink maybe taking it too far how about black and grey? " I look at him quizzically

"Get whatever you want darling. Your wish is my demand" he kisses my forehead

"Aww your a gooden, I won't even need to train you" I kiss his cheek chuckling

We must of shopped for over an hour. We had a trolley overloaded. I went a little overboard. There where cushions and blankets for our room and the common area. Some new cups and glasses. DVDs, games, makeup, clothes and shoes. You name it I got it. And Austin won the pay game. He gave me a piggyback to the bus and I spent the rest of the journey putting all the new stuff out.

When we arrived at Nashville it dawned at me we where getting close to the Texas dates... That ment his dad and Stepmom would be here. Shit. There was going to be questions about what we where . What where we? Could I believe his drunken slip at Diddys party that he wanted to be with me? If you had asked me at the start I would have said hell no. He's such a player but since the accident it's like other women don't exist.

Austin watches me carefully as I sing a couple of songs before he does his sound check. I was out of breath when I finished but it felt so good to be off that bloody bus.

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