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Going on a hunt for the first time in a little over a month was so refreshing. Dean was starting to feel himself again. He even drove baby. The vamp nest was like a walk in the park. They got in, killed the son of a bitches and got out. "One of those bitches scratched me." Dean says, holding the spot that stung. "Need gauze or anything?" Sam asks and Dean shakes his head as he gets back in the car, tossing the bloody machete in the back and groaned. "I'm outta shape Sammy." Dean says to his younger brother, who simply smiled.

"We'll start training again, get you back into shape, build some muscle." Sam says while buckling himself in. "What an angel you are Sa-" Dean stopped himself when he realized what he said. "I know I'm amazing." Sam says and nudges Dean. Dean brushed it off, looking at the photo of Castiel on the bottom corner of his windshield.

"You try." Dean jokes with a smile. "Jerk." Sam says and Dean looked over at him. "Bitch." The oldest replied and off they went. They stopped at a hotel to rest for the night, the nest did wear them out. The moment Dean's head hit the pillow, he was out. That's how exhausted he was. And of course, that night replayed as a dream in his mind.

"That was easy enough right?" Dean says to the angel walking besides him. They heard about some house in Ohio having some violent things happen, turns out it was a poltergeist.

"It could've been easier." Castiel says honestly and Dean shrugged because yeah, he was kinda right. Being thrown around like rag dolls was never fun. As they approached the car, suddenly Castiel grabbed Dean's arm. "Wait-" Cas started but suddenly his head hurt as he fell to the ground, the last thing he saw was someone grab Castiel as the world went black.

When he came to, he was tied to a chair, the back of it against a wall and he could see Castiel tied to a pole in the middle of the room.

"Cas?!" Dean says causing the angel to look over at him. "Oh good, you're awake Dean. Demons got us. I don't know what they want exactly but they want blood." Castiel says and Dean groaned. His head was killing him.

"I'll get us out of here buddy, no worries." Dean says while struggling. He tried knocking the chair over but it wouldn't budge. The ropes around his hands wouldn't either. Dean managed to get his phone out of his back pocket. "I'm gonna call Sammy. He can track my phone. We'll be out of here in no time." Dean says, and dialled Sam's number, thankfully he didn't need to look to do that. The ringing stopped and he heard a faint "Dean?!". Something followed after but he couldn't hear.

"Sam, I can't hear you, my phone is behind me. I'm restrained to a chair. Cas and I got taken by some black eyed skanks and we need you. Track my phone. I'm not gonna hang up so you can listen." Dean says calmly. The phone slipped from his hand and he cursed, hoping it was still on.

"I hope that's still on Sammy." He says and looks up at Castiel who looked worried. Suddenly the door opened, two demons walked in eyes black and they looked ready to fight. Out for blood. "Okay Angel, let's get this party started shall we?" The one says. They both had Male vessels. Fucking douchebags.

"Don't you touch him." Dean says and the both looked at the hunter. "Shut it pretty boy. We didn't ask for your permission." was sneered at him and Dean glared at them. "Don't care do not touch him or so help me." Dean says and the one closest to Castiel grabbed his face and Cas immediately winced. "Like this?" He mocks and Dean clenched his jaw.

The other one walked over and smiled at Dean. "Ain't saving no one this time, hunter." And boom, he's punched at least 4 times back to back, causing him to feel sick and lightheaded. "Mind your business. We'll get to you next." He's told and he walked over to his friend. "Make sure they suffer Zagon." The unknown demon says to Zagon, whom was still gripping Castiels face.

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