Uh, Hello?

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Why do I even try? Catra thought to herself. I can't even figure out how to start it! Catra huffed. Her professor assigned her a 300 words essay. Catra wasn't the best when it came to assignments. Her girlfriend, Adora, had offered to help her write it, but Catra had gotten offended by her offer and may have yelled at her. There was no 'may have', she did. Catra knew she only wanted to help and she knew she offered out of the kindness of her heart, but Catra hated feeling useless. Her dyslexia was also a big factor in her struggles, as well as her ADHD.

I shouldn't have yelled at her. I hate yelling at her and I can't stay mad at her with that beautiful smile of hers and those steel blue eyes. She groaned loudly. She trudged further on the pathway. She had stumbled through here after storming out of their shared dorm. The sunlight shone through the trees dimly. Her heterochromia eyes are often light sensitive, so she thanked the trees for it's shade. The ground was hardening after a day of rain, or at least trying to. She got her boots muddy. She didn't care as long as mud didn't get on her skin.

Leaves began to fall off a tree. Many at once. Catra caught one of the leaves and stood still. She stared at it. It's the middle of spring, why are the leaves falling off so much? She wondered. She looked up to find the cause, only to have another leaf fall, right onto her face. She growled and took the leaf off. She soon noticed, the leaves had stopped falling. She walked over to the base of the tree, she was determined to climb it. One problem there, Catra is 5'4. She wanted to scream so loud. Why do I have to be short!?? Ugh.

After 2 or 3 attempts of jumping, she finally caught the branch. She was now hanging from it, it strained her arms as she heaved herself up. Wish I had muscles like Ms. Dumb Jock. She thought. She now sat in the tree. She loved trees, even with her fear of heights. She loved the view, the sound of the leaves rustling from the wind. She felt so at peace up there, until she remembered what she came up for. She climbed higher in the tree, towards the branch where the leaves fell.

She climbed on that branch and looked down. Okay, wow, this is really high up. She regretted coming up here now. She laid down on the branch and began to shuffle to the end of it. Where she spotted her attacker. A small bundle of tortoiseshell pattern. Catra soon realized that it was a kitten, a muddy one too. Of course! She facepalmed. It's a cat in a tree, what did I expect? She watched the small kitten bat it's paws at leaves on a branch that dipped low. Aww, it's so cute. Catra had a great love for cats of all kinds.

She stared quietly, watching the kitten enjoy themselves without a care in the world. Until, Catra realized that the kitten was on the end of the branch. What do I do?!?! She panicked. She started to shake, realizing just how high they actually were. This cause the kitten to come out of it's trance, the poor thing look frightened. It started mewling desperately. Catra's heart broke in two. She cursed at herself for causing the little one to panic.

She swallowed hard. She shuffled towards the mewling bundle of fur. She continued and the branch dipped lower, causing the kitten to mewl louder. Catra reached her hand out and clicked her tongue, beckoning the kitten to her. The kitten was too shocked, it wouldn't move. She did a gutsy move and shuffled closer, bad move. The branch dipped even lower, throwing the kitten off balance. It clung to the branch for dear life. "Holy- okay, hang on for me will ya?!" Catra told the kitten. She stretched her arm out, not enough. She thought. She strained her shoulder, it seemed to do the trick. She was close enough to grab the kitten's scruff. Luckily, the kit complied and she pulled it towards her. She scooted back on the branch and cradled the kitten to her chest. She started to pet it and soothe it. It worked as the kitten began to relax in her arms. It began to purr and Catra felt her eyes tear up. I just saved a kitten! She thought happily.

She leaned against the base of the tree, relaxing after that situation. She sighed and looked down at the survivor. It had green eyes, yellow lining the edges. Black and orange patterned on it's fur. A few weeks old, poor thing. She bent down and kissed it's nose.

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