Chapter 5

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After Aimee had gone last night, i had told everyone that i was gonna go for a bath, they got up to leave telling me they would speak to me tomorrow. I walked towards the door to let them out, i saw there were paps outside my house. "Alright guys see you tomorrow, wait whats tomorrow?" i say.

"Simon says you and louis have got to go on a date, but we've got interviews tomorrow" Jesy says. 

"Which saying that i should probably sort that date out" Louis finally says, he's been quite most of the night. i smile at him slightly. 

"Alright well whens the interviews as i have clients tomorrow at work. mind you i have to speak to simon about that." 

"First one is at 10am, car will pick you up about 9am" Leigh-ann says giving me a hug "Right gotta go andre is here, byeeee" they all give me hugs and leave. The only one left is louis.

"Hey so im sorry your being made to date me!" i say quitely watching the rain as im stood on my door step. Louis stood infront of me.

"Hey, its not your fault anyways, maybe we can just be friends ya know, we dont have to tell them public yet so, well just be friends but in public well be more in time?" he said holding my hand for show.

"Yeah i'd like to just be friends" i said softly smiling, "Right ill see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah you will, ill message you" he said smiling and giving me a kiss on the cheek. lingering there for a second before turning around and walking away into the rain and the sea of flashing lights. I turn aroundand walk straight into my house, locking the door as i do every night. Up the stairs and into the bathroom. Running myself a bath and thinking about the crazy day i just had.

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