I had my first glass of champagne at 6 or 7 on New Years Eve in a Jewish day camp friend's apartment. He lived across the street. His mom was single and still pretty. My parents toasted us. Their looks were starting to fade but they still kind of had it and were approaching 40.
A short time later Champagne Video openned around the corner. A Horror, comedy, drama, porno and old Hollywood video, rental, shop. Mom let me rent tons of horror movies rated R or PG 13 while enrolled in Jewish peace temple school and in the Met Opera which only paid 15 dollars a show to sing with world famous opera stars. Mom was addicted to the TV show Dallas and a restaurant opened called Dallas across the street from Champagne video. The most popular porno was Debbie does Dallas in the video shop and that was mom's name. Mom dropped about 15 dollars a week on Champagne Video.
Dad who was born Roman Catholic often made Lasagna with pork. It wasn't required to be kosher in the reformed peace temple. We heard the horror story about the Romans desecrating the temple in Jerusalem with pigs blood before they found miracle light again for Hannukah and restored the ancient temple. The carpet was red in temple and once dad made a pork lasagna for pot luck dinner and didn't tell the congregation.
Dad smoked pot a little but mainly was a drinker. Mom was Jewish and pretended to smoke cigarettes sometimes and drank a little. Dad couldn't afford my Bat Mitzvah after going bankrupt from the bar and instead sent me to many Bar Mitzvahs and approved a fake identity card and cash to drink underage starting at 15 with a Chinese friend. We frequented a lounge called Liquids, a cafe called Gotham and a pub called Peculiars. After bankruptcy dad always had money for me to drink underage and attend Columbia Grammar. Dad had problems with grammar and spelling since the war.
The Jewish temple advised drinking wine to keep away plagues always. I was ordered wine in high school Italian dinners often at a restaurant called Gene's. Gene was an elderly cousin by marriage and a famous chef on television who I never met and had nothing to do with the restaurant name. Her husband documented the starvation of the Jews in the concentration camps and would come for Thanksgiving and Passover without Gene always. The host of the restaurant had a similar look to the Temple Rabbi.
The Chinese friend invited me to dinner over a pork blood drop soup after Temple graduation the year I had no Bat Mitzvah. Often growing up mom took me to a Chinese restaurant for pupu platter and coke or pina colada called Szechuan palace. Dad who went to Vietnam would scream in strange fits "eat, shit and die" and asked after my Chinese friend calling her "Eggroll". She told me she almost ate poop when she was little and she did tons of coke in college. When I had an apartment stolen, she showed me her palace like apartment and spy pics of me on her cellphone. Then I never saw her again and she just sent pictures of her kids to dad's apartment on Chinese New Years cards yearly. Her husband was a huge marijuana smoker and she was a doctor on the mental ward.
I got arrested over my college boyfriend's marijuana whose granddad was a nazi and they never arrested him or the dealer but asked if I was a hooker. I said no and was found not guilty. His dad who did tons of marijuana ran a hospital in DC and loved beer. The hospital was named George town.
A few months later I was cast as a hooker in the college production of Cuckoo's nest and then 911 terror happened, a Jewish financial hit a few days after the Nazi, grandchild, boyfriend moved on an airplane abroad. My dad gave him a bag of marijuana and said "have fun studying a broad".
My next boyfriend worked for the president George of the United States of America. I never thought to tell him my dad helped build the towers or that he played me his military airplane radio as a child or that my neighbors owned the Jewish financial company hit on 911 terror. They had the same name as the Temple choir leader I sang with, Cantor.
George's economic assistant and my boyfriend wore his granddad's homicide detective outfit for Halloween with badge number of my parent's address and the Cantors of my childhood. The DOJ then cast me as an AI hooker, government conspiracy sim and said years later he did not believe anyone was watching or making surveillance movies. He took me to dinner at a restaurant called Gonzo and showed me a picture of an ex girlfriend's dog on his phone. He asked me to bed but I declined. He asked if my parents have problems. I was working on Wall Street in vision restoration with the dead and living before my bank was stolen. The vision company was called Eye Bank and had a hacker in their database.
The FBI never reacted to bank hack or medical hack. I recalled walking with Jewish kids through the FBI before temple graduation and after watching eugenics videos of mutant children. The Temple said America believed in ethics, privacy and never in bio wars ever again. The temple said all the parents were alive even if they smoked marijuana. The temple had pot luck dinners and sang songs about peace.
Champagne Video
Non-FictionMy first glass of champagne and memories of store signs in Manhattan.