After bae left for work, I cleaned the dishes and put them in the dish rack. Outside the window was a beautiful bright sun and I kind of stared at it for a little bit, kind of reminiscing on the past.
"Raymond..." my little sister cried into the phone. "Please brother. I need you." She went on to explain how a crazy ex named Tammy ruined her life by killing the one person who understood her like no other. Her name was Nicki and she owned her on tattoo shop. Nicki, as far as my druggie parents had put it, was a cool chick. The day she got killed was the day i was going to meet her.
I shuddered at the flash back. Well, I'm going to see my baby sis today and take her out for lunch in a little bit.
"Now you out here rappin, thought you only could do R&B. No sweetie I spit to." The music roared from the pocket of my basketball shorts, indicating a call from Keirra.
"Yo, wassup mami?"
"Hola mi amor. Como estos?"
"Bae I'm good. You good?"
"Si...Si Papi. What you about to do?"
"Something with my lil sis. Why what you up to?" I heard something in the background but couldn't quite make out what it was. "Hello?"
"Yeah sorry. I'm doing this new design and my model acts like she got something up her ass." I nodded slowly, thinking about what she just said. I don't let it bother me much.
"Hey Papi. I gotta go do this presentation. Te amo Papi Ray." My pussy throbbed at the tone she said it in.
"Te amo Mami." She hung up the phone and I retreated to the room to get dressed.
"Come on Tiara. Let's go." I blew the horn of my black Range Rover. I waited and watched as my sister came running out her house, her long blonde weave swinging behind her. She had on a yellow bikini top ad a pair of blue jean cut off shorts that stopped above her knee. Her yellow bracelets and necklace jingled as she climed into the car. She climbed into the passenger seat and combed her hair with her wig brush. Damn, after all these years, my sister still looks good, sporting them same tattoos she got after her 18th birthday. Nicki was sone of my closest friends and thats how me and Tiara found each other again. Every since then, we would meet up and hang out as much as possible.
"Hey sis." She leans over and kisses my cheek. I smiled and put the car in reverse. "Where we going?"
"We going to see some of my boys and just hang for a bit. You know if you get to uncomfortable..." I steered out and put the car in drive. "Just let me know. I would rather hang out with you than for you to feel out of place. Jay Baby really wants to holler at you since you gave her some play last month with your ass tricks." She laughed and touched my arm.
"Shut up. You know yall had me drunk and the music started talking to my body. She knew what she was doing when she set her ass in that chair and let me dance on her." I shook my head. My sister is too much at times but I loved her. Jay Baby betta be glad we cool cause I'd kill her ass if she was to ever think about playing my sis. But then again, my sis betta know how to play the game and dont fall so easily. We pulled in front of Jay Baby's house and park. Tiara hopped her ass out the car first and waited for me in front of the door. I closed my door and locked the car up tight and stood beside sis, knocking on the door. Plum answered the door and pulled me in on sight. Plum is Jay Baby's little sis whose been having a crush on me for the longest time now. Its cute but she's nothing compared to Keiarra. Tiara giggled and entered the house behind me.
"Hey Ray. I've missed you." Plum said eagerly. I chuckled and rubbed her cheeck.
"I missed you to." Her cheeks instantly turned red as she pulled her face away. Jay Baby came in just in time to see it.
"Ooo. Dont get to close. Keirra might scratch you up if she sees this." She held out her hand and we did our thang then hit each other on the back. "Wassup Boi. Wassup TT?" Tiara flashed a grin her way and took it upon herself to sit on the couch, followed by Plum.
"So what's popping today Jay?"
"Shit not nothing. Aye wanna go clubbing tonight? I coukd use some fun right about now. " Her gaze locked on Tiara as she whispered something into Plum's ear and they both stood up. Plum approached me and whispered into my ear.
"I want you tonight. I'm not a little girl anymore and I know you want a taste of this juicy ass pussy on your tongue." Then her tongue snuck out and circled the little spot below my ear that instantly almost made me lose balance. Tiara had whispered something good because her and Jay went into an intimate make out session, and Tiara was moaning against Jay's mouth. That's when I knew it was going to be a great night. Tiara and Plum stood back and high fived. I chuckled and texted bae about the plans. She texted me back and said she on her way home.
"Well I'm out yall. I gotta go before bae get home, Tiara Jay will take you home to change. Plum..." I shook my head at her as she looked disappointed. I left her in that state to.

I'm Yours and You're Mines
Teen FictionKierra wanted to have the best of both worlds, studs and fems. Being with a stud is nice, but she still needs her excitement every now and then. Raymond couldn't understand why Kierra's been working late every night....will she ever find out?