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                   CHAPTER FIVE (Part Three)

They were in the drawing room where Rosalind was instructing Pricilla in needlework. They sat together on the padded seat in one of the big bay windows overlooking the lawns.

     ‘You may both of you take your leave of me now,’ Melissa said pompously. ‘Brice will want to speak with me alone.’

     Pricilla giggled. ‘Melissa is hoping for a proposal of marriage today, Rosalind,’ she said cheekily. ‘Look! She’s blushing.’

     ‘Be quiet! You horrid little creature,’ Melissa burst out. ‘You’re a child and can hardly understand grown-up matters. Take yourselves off!’

     ‘Won’t!’ Pricilla said stubbornly. ‘Papa told me particularly that I was to stay with you throughout Brice’s visit,’ Pricilla said. ‘Rosalind and I are your chaperons.’

     ‘Oh, this is outrageous,’ Melissa exploded. ‘I demand you leave immediately.’

     At that moment Linda appeared in the doorway. She curtsied respectfully to Melissa. ‘Mr Brice Thomas has arrived, Miss Trevellian.’

     Melissa’s hands fluttered to her curls and ringlets.

‘Well, don’t stand there, you dolt,’ she snapped at the maid. ‘Show him in.’

     Linda dipped again. ‘He has his sisters with him, Miss.’

     ‘What?’ Melissa’s face turned stiff with disappointment.

     Pricilla gave a hoot of laughter. ‘More chaperones, Mel. We’ll have a party!’

     Melissa’s expression was thunderous but she managed to pull her features into a forced smile as their visitors trooped into the room.

     The eldest of the three young women who entered moved quickly to Melissa and grasped her hand.

     ‘Melissa, my dear, it’s been ages since we met,’ she gushed. ‘I’ve been dying to see you. I have some wonderful news.’

     ‘Florence, yes, how nice to see you after so long,’ Melissa answered but her eager glance was on the young man who entered the room last.

     Brice Thomas, fashionably dressed, was tall and handsome; his shoulders wide and his long legs sturdy in his riding breeches. Rosalind could readily understand Melissa’s interest in him.

He loitered near the doorway, surveying the room. Rosalind glanced away quickly when their eyes met and he smiled at her. She hoped Melissa had not noticed the exchanged glance, as brief as it had been, but darting a look at her Rosalind was met by a hostile stare.

     The two other sisters came quickly to Pricilla. They were roughly her age but seemed older in their fashionable style of dress.

Rosalind decided quickly that she must speak with Cedric Trevellian and arrange a whole new wardrobe for his youngest daughter. Pricilla must not be outdone by the Thomas girls.

     ‘Pricilla, how exciting to call on you again,’ one said. ‘It’s been so long.’

     Pricilla’s smile was weak. ‘It’s been two years, Julia. I’ve not seen you since just after my mother went away.’

     Julia put her hand over her heart and looked astonished.

‘Oh, no! It can’t be that long.’ She glanced at her sister. ‘It’s not that long surely, Mary?’

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