I love you

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I still can't believe he's here. I look at him and fall into a trance. How is it possible that this man is mine, his gorgeous eyes and his hair, everything about him make me fall more and more in love. As that thought crosses my eyes I hear him.
"Arianna" Grayson yells snapping me out of my haze.
"Huh... what did you say babe?" I reply.
"You know it's not nice to stare right?"
"I can stare as much as I want your mine"
"And your mine" he replied smiling. "Anyways as I was saying we're here"
I look around and notice we're at red lobster my favorite restaurant. I smile wide and look back at him. "Yay" I squeal. "Your the best"
"I'm glad you think so pretty lady. Now come on I'm hungry and you are taking forever to get out" he replies.
"Okay relax I'm coming. Let's go baby" I reply getting out of the car.
We walk inside holding hands and he asks for a table. We go to sit down and just talk. It feels great knowing he's here with me in person.
"Grayson, party of 2" the waitress calls.
We quickly stand as Grayson replies "that's us". She walks us to our table and we look at our menus. We continue to talk and hang out enjoying our first real date since we started dating.

Time skip... after lunch

Grayson's p.o.v.:
We finished our food and got back to the car. We decided to go walk around so we went to the park. As we walk I look at Ari and I know it's now or never.
"You know it's not nice to stare right?" She says mocking me from earlier.
"I can stare as much as I want your mine" I reply mocking her. At this she just laughs.
"Thank you baby. For all of this. To many it might not seem like that big of a deal but just having you here holding my hand, that's the best feeling in the world" she says, a tear running down her cheek.
"Aw babygirl don't cry. I needed this too okay. To feel you and hold you. I missed you so much and we haven't really been in the same room that much." I say wiping her tear.
"Sorry. Ah I don't even know why I'm crying"
"Arianna. I know we've only been together for 4 months but I want you to know... I love you"
"Really?" She replies looking up at me.
"Yes really. I've fallen and I've falllen hard, Ari baby I love you so much"
"I love you too Gray. I love you too" she replies pulling me in for a kiss. "Come on you promised me a movie day when you got here. And now I just wanna cuddle you"
"Well good cause that's all I want now too." We quickly get in the car and drive back to her house. We spend the rest of the day kissing, cuddling, and sharing I love you's.

Distance //a Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now