* Inheritance *

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Artemis couldn't wait any longer, stalking down the hall and bursting into the chambers used for the king's council. She stands in front of Ivar's men, arms folded and an angry sneer of her face.

All the men turn in shock from the outburst, their Queen eminating such anger from her small form.

"Wife?" Ivar cocks a brow, his hand placed over a map of some kind.

"If we could have a moment alone in private." She grits out, her lips tinted in rouge set in a fine line.

"Is it Sól? Is she-"

"Our daughter is in good health, I assure you." Ivar's rising panic settled as quickly as it came.

"Then I'm sure whatever it is can wait." Ivar says, and Heahmund stood ready to escort his Queen away from their meeting, but she holds her hand up, stopping him.

"I apologize to you all for the interruption, but if you would be so kind as to step out for a moment? I need to speak with my husband on urgent matters."

Hvitserk looks at her with a stern look, his eyes giving her warning, but he sweeps a hand in show for all the men to exit. When they were left alone, Artemis approaches Ivar, fuming with every step.

"Artemis," He breathes out, "I do hope you truly have urgent news to tell me. We were in the middle of-"

"When were you planning to inform me of your promise to King Harald? That he is to rule over Kattegat once you are gone?" Ivar's face drains of color, and his eyes grow wide at the news that he meant to tell his wife.

"Who told you?" He grunts out, leaning back on his chair eyes now narrowed. Artemis ignores the question.

"You intended to have a child, but providing no inheritance for her?!"

"It was a false promise!" He countered back, "It was the only way for him to become our ally."

"You promised the old man the entire kingdom!"

"Yes! And he is old! Surely he will die sooner than later. He will not out live me." Ivar was confident, just a bit too confident. It made a new surge of anger rise in her, and she stomps closer to him, bending low to be face to face. Their noses nearly brushed as she points an accusing finger toward him.

"You say this as if you can predict the future, Ivar. How could you possibly know whether he will fall before you? You wish to continue raiding and riding off into battle. Anything can happen under such circumstances."

"I know, my love, I understand your grief. These plans were negotiated long before we were married, and even longer before we were blessed with Sól." Ivar sighs, placing a hand on her waist to caress her side. She visibly relaxes but her eyes still held a fire to them.

"I discussed the terms with Harald, not knowing whether I would have heirs," He continued, "But now I do have an heir. And everything that belongs to us will belong to her when we are gone. Do not believe that I have not thought of nor cared for our daughter's future. Everything will be hers, unless of course, we have a son." Ivar breathes out harshly, willing himself to calm down. It angered him to know that his wife thought him incapable of securing a future for their daughter.

Artemis sighs, slightly relieved with his answer. She sinks down to the floor beside him, laying her head on his lap as an invitation for him to play with her hair.

"But what of Harald?"

"Let the old man think he has Kattegat secured. I could swoop in and take Vestfold from under his fingers if I wanted to." He gently massages his fingers on her scalp, happy to have reassured his wife.

"Surely he must feel threatened now that you have a child," She smiles when she heard Ivar snort.

"Him feeling threatened changes nothing. We are prepared if he intends to attack."

"We should invite him to Kattegat." Artemis says suddenly, lifting her head to look at her confused husband, "Invite all formidable rulers in Norway. We can prepare a feast." Ivar's lips curled into a smile.

"What ever for, wife?" He knew her intentions, he just wanted to hear her say it.

"Let them meet your heir. Let them all know that Kattegat will not be easily taken from Ivar the Boneless." Ivar grins at her ambition.

"An excellent idea, baby bird." She smiles, bringing her head back to rest on his lap.



"Hvitserk told me." Ivar sucks his teeth.


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