Did I shock ya'll ? I believe I did.This is a small piece of the next chapter to come. I want to keep you guys on the edge of your seats for this...maybe even make you drop your phones.
Craig's Pov
I happily called Winters cell phone but it went straight to voicemail. So I tried calling again but again she didn't answer. I searched for Tati's number but she didn't answer. Why nobody not answering the phone!
I walked to that nigga Rayon's house because that's where they both should be. I knocked at the door but no one answered so I just walked my ass in there. It was very dark so I pulled out my gun just in case some shit pop off. I walked cautiously up the stairs and bust down his door. He was sprawled on his bed looking at the ceiling. Nigga look like he had been crying.
Craig: Say nigga.Where my sister and my gi-I mean Winter.
He didn't answer so I put the gun to his head.
Craig: Imma ask yo ass one mo-
Ray: Winters dead and your sisters in jail.
Craig:*on the verge of tears* NIGGA YOU THINK IT'S A GAME! WHERE ARE THEY*hand on the trigger*
Ray: *stands up* IF I WAS LIEING. I WOULDN'T BE FUCKING CRYING! YOUR SISTER MEANT EVERYTHING TO ME TOO BUT I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT I-----wait a minute...*squints eyes*Your the nigga who shot me...It was you.*smacks the gun out of my hand and tackles me*
We started Rolling on the floor and the next thing we here is-
I told ya'll short but I'll update again so dot get angry. ^.^

Anonymous Girl ( E D I T I N G )
RandomWhen there's something unknown,you're eager to know. So when Ray see's one special girl she's tattooed on his mind. Her dance moves. Her fragrance. Her smile. But one problem keeps getting in his way. She's completely anonymous. No name, no number...