In a world with super powers, Star continues to fight for the peice she thinks is missing. She has been separated from her twin sister and her mother. When she moves to a new country she unknowingly finds her missing peice, While Star fights for her...
BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! I wake up to the annoyingly loud alarm I set f-for SCHOOL!!!!!! "Nooooo" I scream why did summer have to end. Why!!!?? Ugh I force myself to sit up and turn the alarm off. I sit on the edge of my bed pondering on what im going to do to survive this.
I slowly get up and put my uniform on. After that I put my hair up with the cute matching bow
"I... I look decent I guess." Ugh stop worrying about your appearance and worry about being late. I hurry and grab my bag.
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I run down stairs. To my surprise father wasn't here. Must've had something come up. I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge. I created a portal to my school and hoped in.
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At the front entrance
I pop up out of my portal and instantly notice Ethan "Hey speedy what's up?" I say while walking to him. He turned around with a surprised look one his face, but his expression changed once he saw me. "Nothing much I was just waiting for the doors to open."
We talked for what felt like 3 minutes and the doors finally opened. As we walked Ethan asked me "Hey whose ypur home room teacher? Mine is Mr. Sawyer." "Oh uh." I said as I looked at the paper in my hands. "...... Mr. Sawyer as well." I said with a bright smile.
After a few minutes of confusion with all of the students walking around. We finally reached the class room.
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In the classroom
"What a pleasure for you to finally join us." Mr. Sawyer said with a curious smile. "What are your names?" "Uh my name is Star Luna, and it is a pleasure to be in your class sir." As Ethan introduced himself I noticed a girl with similar hair to my right side look up at me. Oh jeez did I say something wrong?
"Alright Star take a seat next to Nova. Nova raise your hand." Mr. Sawyer said with a smile. The girl that I noticed raised her hand. I walked over to her and sat in the empty desk next to her. "Ethan take a seat behind Hector. Hector raise your hand." A boy with red hair that looked like flames raised his hand. If you looked closely he had a scar on his left eye when he turns. in stead of raising his hand he stood up.
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He looks interesting. Mr. Sawyer is actually pretty cool. He just gave us a bunch of small activities to get to know each other. But as class went bye I noticed that Nova girl kept looking over at me.