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Here are the rules I want you all to follow:

1. Fill in the online form whose link I'll share in the next page to completion. After I've accepted your book, I'll have your username tagged in a waiting list.

2. I'll read five to seven pages for books with short to medium sized chapter. For long chaptered books, I'll read three to five. If your book is really interesting I can go further.

3. Accept my review without arguing. As much as its helpful advice, it's also my personal opinion and I know how we writers are protective over our babies so just know it's not a personal attack.

4. The payment for a review is a permanent follow.

5. Please tag at least three people in the tag page. Payment will not be seen as completed without this.

6. Reviews are not completely first come, first serve. I'm a generally moody person so I'm not promising your genre is what I might feel like reading at a particular time.

7. I'll try to get a review done in a week's time.

8. If you delete your book for whatever reason while it's still in my waiting list, kindly inform me first.

Thank You.
I look forward to reading all your books.

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