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I am really sorry for the late update. I really am 😔 btw thank you so much guys for the patience. Saya janji kasi habis this story as fast as i can ❤️ i will post a new story soon. Stay safe and stay tuned ! Enjoy !

Xoxo, ellie

I'm not expected that dia ni adopted, i mean like dia nampak macam the real prince here and then he told me that he adopted ??

"Sorry if you think that I'm the real prince, i just wanna tell you the truth about me. And yeah ofcourse i cannot be the next king or whatsoever, i already ask my mother to take down my title as a prince but she insists, same goes to my father" dia shrug and keep eating icecream dia.

Saya disini tengok ja dia lama-lama, "you're so lucky tho, that the blessed you got" dia tengok saya and senyum lebar "i know i am, but i will be so lucky if i got you" clinton winks sama saya. Damnnn ni lelaki kan inda berenti buat saya blushed oh

Saya buat pura-pura batuk dengan apa yang dia cakap "but if you think that it changes what i think of you after you told me that you're adopted, im not yah" clinton tengok saya lama-lama and cubit pipi saya "i know"

Lepas siap kami makan disana, clinton mau kemas-kemas barang dia pula di hotel, sedih pula saya rasa, bila tau dia mau balik suda. Selesai dia packing semua, saya ikut dia pegi airport.

Disana kami spending our time as much as we can. Sampai la masa dia mau naik flight suda. Aduhh berat betul hati saya mau tengok dia jalan suda.

"Alright bell, goodbye. It nice to know you" saya senyum saja, after all this time kami spend time sama-sama, my connections sama dia pun makin kuat, kami shake hand and dia terus pusing kasi tinggal saya.

Saya tengok tangan saya and letak di atas dada saya sambil saya tutup mata. I hope this is the best for us. I cannot turn back the time and the things i do now. Saya tarik nafas and hembus, slowly open my eyes and there he is keep walking and walking, makin lama makin jauh sudah dia.  I sigh and pusing, I'm gonna take my leave too.

Dalam beberapa langkah tuh tiba-tiba terimbas balik masa kami spend time sama-sama, damn he treat me like no one else do, he's something . Saya stop langkah saya.
apa yang saya about to do sekarang, saya ambil full responsible as a woman i am today ! I'm gonna do this !

Saya pusing balik and lari cari Clinton , eh no not him but Xavier. That's his real name. Xavier.

Mata saya liar mencari susuk tubuh dia di sekeliling saya. Then suddenly tanpa saya sedar someone tarik bahu saya kasi pusing saya.

I take a sharp breath. "What are you doing here ??" He said, Saya tengok dari atas pigi bawah

"Antonio" dia chuckles and pat my head. "Kau mau pegi mana ni sweetie ? Apa khabar you these past few weeks ??" Antonio letak dua tangan dia balik dalam poket hoodie dia, saya perhatikan dia macam dia baru saja balik dari somewhere. I cannot believe saya akan jumpa dia disini after all apa yang jadi. Wait, dia bestfriend dengan matthew right ? I hope dia tida cerita pasal Matthew la sama saya, saya malas suda mau dengar nama dia.

"Ah yeah i just have a fun time with my family, that's all" Antonio sigh and pegang tangan saya "jom jalan-jalan" he smiled at me and tarik saya, then it click in my head, i have to search for xavier. Saya tarik tangan saya dari genggaman Antonio.

"Can you wait for me ? Saya mau jumpa orang ni " saya senyum sama dia, he just tengok saya and senyum lemah "sure, saya tunggu disana ah" antonio tunjuk di area menunggu. Saya angguk and lambai tangan saya sama dia. Tanpa membuang masa saya, saya terus pusing kasi tinggal dia and looking for xavier.


Bolehlah 15minutes gitu, saya give up. Apa yang saya buat ni ? Aduh. Ofc la dia suda fly balik pegi country dia. Rasa sedih mula creep up dalam diri saya, mau nangis pun inda guna suda ni begini. Mungkin sampai sini saja cerita kami dua. Dengan lemah saya cari balik dimana antonio tunjuk dia tunggu tadi.

Suddenly, my baju kena tarik. Saya pusing la tngo siapa.

A kid, around 10/12 gitu la umur dia, dia look at me with his hazel eyes, and smile.

"Hey, where are your parent ? Are you alone buddy ? " then the boy geleng kepala dia and smile at me. He's so cute !

"Mm here the letter from prince xavier, idk if he's a prince or not but that is what he called himself. I think he lied because he wanted me to sent this letter to you" dia kasi keluar surat dari poket dia and bagi saya, omg it's really from him ! I know how he smell like ! And this letter smell like him afterall.

"Oh my god ! Thank you so much boy. Yes yes he is a prince! Lucky you little boy." His eyes light up and smile brightly "really ?! Gotta tell my mom about that ! He even gave me some tips bcause of this." Aww he sound so happy. 

Tida tau la how dia bole tau how i look like or the prince eh no no, em xavier describe me sampai that boy can figure out that im the person he looking for.

Kami say goodbye and saya balik lagi pegi tempat dimana si antonio tunjuk tadi. Step by step dari jauh boleh nampak suda susuk tubuh yang tinggi, muscular si Antonio. He is attractive but i don't really have feeling for him. I only see him as my big brother that's all.

Antonio nampak saya and he draw a big smile dimuka dia sambil lambai tangan ditempat saya. Dengan senang hati saya sekrang, saya lambai balik dengan a big smile on my face. Tida sabar saya mau balik rumah, baca apa dalam surat ni. But again i still have to face my dad at home, I don't care anymore. I'll be okay.

"Lama juga kau menghilang ah, penat pantat saya beduduk menunggu haha" saya chuckles "yah sorry, jumpa orang tadi" Antonio sigh and ambi balik barang-barang dia, tanpa saya sedar he take my left hand and kasi masuk dalam poket hoodie dia. Oohh shoot kenapa dia buat saya begini nih ? Saya just buat-buat tida tau la apalagi yang mau cakap sebab he is someone like that.  Yes kami pernah kiss but that's a past now.

"Mari saya bawa kau pegi restaurant saya, i cook for you. There's a new recipe saya buat, and i want you the first one to try it" punyaaa main bangga dia cakap begitu. Saya angguk cepat-cepat and smile "Oh my god im so happy ! Yea yea sure" Antonio look at me and angguk.

And kami naik taxi ja jalan pegi restaurant si antonio. Kami sampai then jalan kaki pegi sana.

Saya tngok jam dekat jam 6 petang suda, patutla mau gelap-gelap suda. Dari jauh saya nampak restaurant dia but no lights and it's closed. So it's mean ...

"Saya kasi cuti pekerja saya 1minggu sebab saya ada urusan dengan family saya di italy. I don't care about the money i earn cause I'm rich afterall, and i still can bayar gaji my pekerj, so that's why i closed my restaurant for 9days" saya cuma angguk-angguk ja. Tida sabar saya rasa masakan si antonio ni tau. His restaurant known as a high class restaurant so that's why I'm so eager to try his new recipe.

Sampai depan pintu restaurant dia, he let go of my hand and cari kunci di poket seluar dia, lepas dia buka pintu terus Antonio suruh ja ikut dia dari belakang. Like he said ikut dia saja so saya ikut dia saja la.

Kami jalan pegi di belakang bar and to my surprise, restaurant dia ada freakin basement. And antonio called in hidden bar. Only few people yang bole masuk, especially for those who have a serious meeting/business. Like a gangster punya tempat and also the mafias.

Kami turun guna lift okay ? Lift ?!

The atmosphere kinda weird between us. Like really really weird cause i know la dia lelaki saya perempuan, and with a place like this ?! Oh my lord anything can happen, tiba-tiba saya terimaginasi some scene with antonio, saya tepuk dahi saya. Oh please my brain, i know my curiosity about sex is really troublesome and banyak-banyak masa, masi ni and keadaan begini la juga saya tefikir benda bgitu. Oh my lord, im a innocent virgin girl, please hilangkan pikiran kotor saya ni.

"You okay isabella ?" Antonio tengok saya dengan wajah yang risau, saya geleng cepat-cepat and smile "i-im okayy", Antonio senyum and pat my head "good"


"We're here ! Enjoy your night miss isabella" tebuka ja tu pintu lift terus nampak luas tu bar, damn this is one expensive bar i ever see !

"Go on, make your self at home haha" Antonio tolak pelan badan saya, buat saya tutup mulut saya yang terbuka luas nampak bar yang fuhhh its well prepared! Sangat cantik bar dia.

Saya keluar dari lift and wondering around the bar. So expensive, so pretty. Nice one la ! Antonio told me to stay here sementara dia pegi di dapur masak untuk kami dua. I don't know where this gonna go but i hope everything just go well.

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