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As soon as Priya killed the engine of the car, she looked behind her. Raja, Rin and Eien stared back at her with blank looks. She reached out and collected the two umbrellas that were sitting in the passenger’s seat.

“You three should be careful,” she said, handing the umbrellas each to Rin and Raja. “The storm’s something.”

“Thanks Sis,” Raja said, opening the door on his side. Before he stepped out he pulled his umbrella open.

“Yep.” Priya flung an arm over the seat beside hers and watched as Rin gave Eien to Raja.

“Thanks again for your help,” Rin said before he stepped out, his umbrella opened.

Rin shut the door and they carefully moved through the busy carpark. They rushed to the entrance of the hospital which people were bursting in and out of. When they moved out of the rain, Raja dropped the little girl on the floor.

“Tell me again why we’re here?” Raja asked, shaking water from his umbrella.

“Eien has a fever and I need to buy her a few drugs,” Rin answered monotonously. He rolled the umbrella shut and held his sister’s outstretched hand. “Ready?” he said, looking down at his sister.

“Ready!” Eien chirped, bouncing on her toes.

Rin’s lips quirked just the slightest as a reaction. He looked at Raja. “Let’s go.” He pulled his sister along and they moved to the automatic doors.

Raja threw his head back and groaned “Fu—tting remind me again why I’m here.”

Rin shrugged. “I simply need a dog.”

“You are one big butt hole,” he said, looked down at Eien. He smirked lopsidedly. “Your brother’s a cute butt hole right?”

“Yes!” she replied lively. “A butt—” Eien shut up as her nose began to twitch like a bunny’s. She raised her free hand to her nose and sneezed into her elbow.

“Bless you,” Raja said as they walked in through the door.

“Thank you!”

The trio were greeted by an extremely busy hospital. Doctors were shouting orders left and right, their eyes wide. The place was in disarray and the nurses were running around, carrying out orders.

“Uh... Rin? I don’t think we’ll be attended to.” Raja gazed at Rin. “This place is in chaos right now.”

“I know.” He crouched and picked up his sister, carrying her in his arms. “We just need to get a few drugs from the pharmacy in here.”

Raja lifted a brow at him. “There’re pharmacies everywhere! Why—Rin!” Raja’s eyes grew wide as he watched his friend sift through the chaos. He shook his head and locked his jaw. “Idiot,” he hissed, rushing after them.

Rin moved to a lift and pressed a button. The lift took some time before its doors slid open after a ding. He walked in and so did Raja who secretly flipped him the bird. The doors closed and the lift started moving.

“But honestly speaking Rin,” Raja started, resting back on the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. “Why are we here? Why now? Why this particular moment?”

Rin rested his sister on his hip. “I just need to get—”

“I know, I know. You’ve said it for about how many times...” Raja gave up and threw his hands up. He moved his gaze to the lift’s buttons. Raising a brow, he asked, “Rin what floor is the pharmacy?”

“The fifth one.”

Raja moved his head to face Rin. “Isn’t that... the floor that Clover and Dae-yang are being kept?”

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