I have no more words
I have no more tears
They disappeared
Into the toxic airTime turned into unimportant numbers
And my ambition completely fell
Like everything
You left behindI get stabbed by each sob
I screamed about every part of you
I miss those places
Where we found ourselves the most vulnerableBut now,
Everything is suddenly so far awayLike nothing ever expected to stay
So I try to forget
And forgive
All the sins that world possesses
Along with our painMy heart longs for you, darling
But I remember again,
That I have no tears left to cry.
Pieces of me
PoetryPovedz mi prosím fľaša vína... Prečo sa tvoj objem tak rýchlo míňa? Prečo musí byť všetko len dočasné? Práve teraz?! Keď som sa cítil konečne šťastne..