Chapter 19: Blood Lust

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I headed towards my room and I honed in my senses to try and hear Ava.

So far I couldn't hear anything besides her rhythmic breathing, which made me wonder what exactly she was doing in my room.

And why hadn't she tried to escape?

Slowly opening the door, the lights were off and my eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness.

Ava sat on my bed patiently with her legs crossed and her hands folded in her lap.

"Ava," I said hesitantly and she looked up at me.

Her eyes were calculating and cold.

"Maddox?" I tried instead and a creepy grin spread across her face.

"Zane," Maddox beamed, but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"I'm sooo hungry," Maddox whined.

"I heard. You were feeding on the people in town," I said keeping my distance.

Maddox looked like she was stalking me like I was her prey.

'Does that mean she was making out with everybody!' Ace said coming to the forefront and I had to push him back down.

Now was not the time to be jealous.

I was sensing something dangerous about this version of Ava.

Or should I say Maddox.

Maddox seemed a little too fixated on me, and her eyes held no warmth or playfulness like before.

"I did have a snack or two, but nothing crazy. You know you're the only one that can satisfy me," Maddox said licking her lips hungrily.

"Mhmm, and where's Ava? You've kept her locked up for quite some time now," I mentioned.

Maybe there was a way to bring Ava back so that she was back in control of her body.

Maddox was loosing control.

I could recognize the bloodlust in her eyes.

She was indeed dangerous in this state.

"You want her back already? But we were having so much fun," Maddox said with a pout.

"What do I have to do to bring her back?" I said slowly unbuttoning my shirt and Maddox's eyes narrowed in at the action.

"Well...there is a way," Maddox said entranced by my body, and I flexed for emphasis, causing her to intake a sharp breath.

"I'm listening," I said fully removing my shirt and tossing it to the side.

I had an idea, but I wasn't going to like it.

'Liar,' Ace managed to snicker in the back of my head.

"If you want to bring Ava back, then you'll have  to beat me in a battle of dominance," Maddox said with a smirk.

"Is that all?" I said with a raised brow.

"You make it sound like it'll be easy," Maddox said uncrossing her legs, and she stood up to face me.

"Oh, I know it won't....Be easy for you that is," I said preparing myself.

I didn't think there would be a time I would willingly let out my hybrid side, but this situation warranted it.

If I didn't win against Maddox, I had a feeling I wouldn't be seeing Ava ever again.

And I couldn't allow Maddox to feed off the people in my pack.

She could unknowingly drain them of all their energy and kill them.

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