Days later, I was released from the hospital. The thoughts that constantly circle my head day and night haven't quite healed like my wounds have. Echo has been checking on me every now and then, but he refuses to get too close. I wonder why, but I think I already know the answer. I look so damaged, so broken that he can't even bare to glance at me sometimes. I wish he knew how much I need him by my side. There are days where I wish I didn't love him. But I do. It hurts to know that you love someone but they do not return it. A sadly familiar voice broke through my thoughts as Echo entered the room.
"Are you alright? You seem distant. More than normal I might add." He jokes. I nodded to him, not wanting to speak. He brought the water he held in his hands and placed it on the nightstand. "I thought you might want these for when I'm not here." He shifts awkwardly. Once again, I nodded. His expression flickered to something I could never figure out when I was in captivity. Concern maybe? Pity? "I wish you would speak to me. I know with everything that happened you may not want to speak of it but we can talk about other things. You know, like how we spoke in... Never mind. I just want you to talk to me. Please I beg you. I can't take the silence any longer." I looked at him, seeing the pain and vulnerability that I had been longing for from him. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what to say. After six years of pain and torment, I don't think I can talk about the weather. Yes, we would talk on and on but for me it was a distraction. I didn't want to think about the bruises or the cuts that even you didn't see. Now that I'm out, I can heal but I can't talk through it. I have to do it alone." I sighed, happy that I finally spoke what needed to be said.
"But Charlie, you aren't alone. I'm here. I can't watch you curl up into yourself and block me out. I care about you-" I can't listen another moment. "No, you don't. If you truly cared, you would understand how I feel and you would look me in the eye if only for a moment. I have to do this alone because I can't bare to have you look at me the way you do. To care for me the way you do." I retort, feeling frustrated. He looked down, knowing I was right. "Charlotte. I do understand how you feel. How you feel for me. That's why I'm not always here. I don't look you in the eye because I never want to see you in this much pain. I never want to see what he did to you. It would hurt me too much but how I feel doesn't matter right now. What matters is you get better and you have a clear mind that isn't plagued with harmful memories." How he feels?
"How you feel about me? Or about what was done to me? Am I so damaged that you can't be honest about your feelings?" I ask. I couldn't stop the tears falling down my face as he answers. "I can't. I won't ruin us. This is all I have. I have to back away to keep us close." The answer stung, but it confirmed what I had always doubted. He did have feelings for me. He just didn't want to risk it. "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Backing away puts space between us. We would distance ourselves anyway. You don't even realize how much I've been hurting while you're away. You were my protector. My rescuer. And when I woke up in the hospital, alone, I felt your absence deeply. I don't want you to back away. I want you closer than ever."
It was true. I wanted Echo to be by my side forever. "That's what I'm scared of. That if we move in the direction we've been going, something will tear us apart. I can't let myself love you the way I'm starting to." Did he just...? Wow. I really am blind. "You don't have to be scared. Not if we jump into this together. We could take it one step at a time. What's the point in living if you don't take the risk to truly be alive?" I question. He moved closer, now sitting on the bed with me. "I guess I have to believe you. The arguments we've had always end with me submitting doesn't it?" I chuckled. "Yes. It usually does." Now it was his turn to laugh. "I've always loved it when you laugh. It was rare, but it was beautiful. I hope to hear it more in the future."
His compliment made my heart flutter. I felt his hand caress mine and I looked deep into his eyes. In that moment, all I could see was the times we had shared. The stories he told always distracted me. He was my everything. I refused to let him get away. I leaned in, placing my hands on his neck as I kissed him. He pulled away for a moment, startled, but eventually leaned back into the kiss. This is what I had wanted for so long. Him in my arms was the safest place I had ever been. When he pulled away, I was still wanting more. "Wow. I um... I'm shocked for lack of a better word. I don't even know what to say. Well, other than that you are my everything. That I'll never let anyone hurt you the way he did. Especially me. I'll stay by your side forever if that's what you want but I won't risk losing you because of a relationship. I'm sorry but I won't allow myself to endure the possibility." He states, a hint of sadness in his voice. I couldn't help the tears that slipped down my face.
"No don't cry. This is good. This is me trying to be by your side without the possibility of hurting both of us." I felt the darkness from when I was in the dungeon loom over me once again. "Am I really not worth it?" He saw my expression and knew exactly what I meant. He kissed me immediately. I could feel the love and pain seeping out of him. "You are worth it. You are worth the wait trust me."
Hey guys! Chapter 2! I know the divide between paragraphs are shitty. I originally wrote this as one big paragraph so bare with me. Hope you guys enjoyed!
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Echo of Love
ParanormalCharlotte Arliano is a 24 year old woman who has spent 6 years in captivity being abused by her ex boyfriend. She soon started to believe she would be trapped and miserable for the rest of her life. It wasn't until 3 years into captivity that her li...