The Game

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Hi my name is Schlatt and I go to a high school and its called Lunch club and I play baseball and I have a bunch of friends in my friend group and there names are traves and Charlie and Cooper. It is the morning of the last baseball game of the season and my mom made me a big breakfast but I was too nervous and I didn't eat it. "Come on Schlatt, you have to eat up to become a big and strong man." Said mom. I just said, "I'm not hungry." and walked out the door. I sat on the step and stared to cry a little. "I'm not a man, I'm gay." I dried my tears and walked to school. School went by so fast because I couldn't concentrate and I was so worried about the game and now it's here already. The coach puts me first in line and I think that means that I am the best and in the distance my friend traves is dancing in a monkey  suit because he is the mascot and it distracts me from the pitch but I hit hit it well anyway because I am the best I think. I am running to third base but I hear katerino and her 27 boyfriends yelling at me to go to first so I shoot her and then think You goofball run the right way! I must have been thinking about how much I secretly love Cooper and how he doesn't know and no one knows and I keep it to myself and I have never told anyone and no one knows but me. The crowd cheers and I turn and see that Cooper has intercepted the ball! I only have one option. A small tear forms in my eye. I lick away because there is no crying in baseball and then I run at Cooper (he is so hot). I stand above his hunky body and tear the brim off of my yankee hat and stab him with it and then cut his throat and then rip all of his organs out. Then I get shot by katerino's 13th boyfriend and die and.

there's no crying in baseball || Jschlatt x Cooper ||Where stories live. Discover now