Chapter 10

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Nico spent the day with Will, knowing that as soon as Harry's name was called from that Goblet of Fire, everything would go to Hell. So he stuck close to Will's side, knowing the peace wouldn't last but soaking in it. But the anxiety ruined his peaceful day.

The Death Mark on his arm was almost too itchy for him to deal with. Whenever he was near Anubis, the half hellhound wouldn't leave it alone. Something about it wasn't mixing well with his father's heritage, or maybe it was just his imagination. But he never went an hour without thinking about it.

Once it was time for the feast, Nico sat at the Hufflepuff table basically glued to Will's side. If Will noticed, he didn't say anything. Throughout the day, he had heard whispers here and there about demigods, but none worried him in the least. It was like Will's theory was actually working.

But judging by his life, it wouldn't last for long.

"Are you going to eat?" Will asked.

Nico glanced over at his boyfriend before shrugging, lowering his voice so that no other Hufflepuffs could hear. "Why are all the other demigods with the Gryffindors?"

Will shrugged. "Annabeth is friends with Hermione, but I don't know. I guess they want to stick together since most of them have never been here before."

Nico smiled, thinking back to the first time Will, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper had visited him at Hogwarts. "Yeah, I guess."

"No more changing the subject," Will said. "You have to eat."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Not hungry."

"Too bad."


"No, Nico. You're eating," Will demanded. "At least ten bites. I'm not having you almost fade out of existence ever again."

"Like skipping dinner one night would do that," Nico mumbled, but he brought the fork to his mouth. There was no arguing with Will when it came to his health.

Eventually, the food disappeared, and Dumbledore rose to speak.

"When the champions' names are called, I would ask them please to come up to the top of the Hall, walk along the staff table, and go through into the next chamber, where they will be receiving their first instructions," Dumbledore instructed.

The Goblet of Fire was in front of him, sparking and ready to go. Nico felt like throwing up whenever his eyes caught sight of it.

The flames turned red, and a piece of paper came fluttering out. Dumbledore grabbed the paper and squinted at it before his voice boomed out again.

"The champion for Durmstrang will be Viktor Krum!" he called.

Nico joined in on the applause, and even though his heart had sunk into his stomach, he couldn't help but watch his boyfriend and brother, both seeming too into the drawing.

If only the high they felt then could last.

When the clapping and noise died down, another paper flew out and landed in Dumbledore's hand.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!"

More cheering. Nico watched the girl walk up and started to tap his fingers anxiously.

Then there was the next paper, and when Dumbledore called the name, he felt like his entire table was lit by some unseen fire.

Cedric Diggory. One of their own. Nico clapped along with the others, felt a little pride, but something about the boy's aura was too short for his liking.

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