The Breaking

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I remember being a child so lost in thought
That I would forget how to act
A mask broken as darkness leaked
Everyone could sense its presence
The words like fire hit me with such haste
I remember when I believed in innocence
Such a long time ago that I cannot seem to recall all the memories
Theres nothing left
Yet a living carcass thats casket awaits
I reemember when I was alive
When she whispered to me that I was everything
Yet that was stolen from me
The knife stealing away the girl who saved me
I remember when I gave up
Scars marking my shoulder
As they took me to a psych ward
Full of pills, and doctors who wished only to save my life
I remember when I listened trying my best
Yet the dark thoughts continue to haunt my mind
Serenity long gone
Calamity stealing the innocence
My name striken clean
I am nothing, but a mask
Still I try to break open the cage
To free myself from my own crafted ice prison
The bars frozen shut on my heart they love
Their words of courage
Telling me I should exist
Slowly melting the ice I shield my heart with
I'm afraid to live
Afraid to move
For my heart is full of pain
Distrust for humanity
Yet loving them from afair
Is it even possible for me to be free?
That question haunts my daily
I still hope that one day
I could walk in the light
And live a life for others
Even when i'm afraid
I have to move forward
Or forever abandon those I call happiness in my life

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