Chapter 31 (+ Author's Note)

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Before I get into the chapter, I've been thinking of writing a sequel of this book when it's finished. Should I?

Also, if I do, I'll have to rename this book to something different. An actual title for the book, not just "Fred Weasley x Reader."

Just something I'm considering. What do you think? Anyway, on to the chapter. Enjoy! :)
Tuesday, March 17
Daphne's POV

"Pansy, wake the hell up, there's no way I'm hanging out with Bulstrode again today," I whined, trying to drag Pansy out of her bed.

"Go away, whore," she mumbled sleepily. I smiled. She wasn't really insulting me.

I climbed in bed with her and laughed at her groan. "Come on, let's go do something fun before classes!"

She squinted up at me and pouted.

You grabbed her hand and dragged her out. "Fine!" She said, snatching her hand away. "I'll be down in a sec, I gotta get dressed."

I smiled once more and trotted down to the Slytherin common room. My smile faded when I saw Milicent, but I sat down beside her. She gave me an odd look, but I took a deep breath and gave her a huge, fake smile. "What's going on in the house of Milicent?"

She carefully smiled back. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about boys."

I smirked. There were no boys in Slytherin, or any other house, in fact, that thought of Milicent Bulstrode. Of course, dozens liked me for whatever reason, but... I only like one person.

One reason I hang out with Pansy is because she's the one who is dating Draco. If I'm close to her, I'm close to him.

A few minutes later (with some tense words with Milicent), Pansy came
over with Draco. They sat opposite of us, Draco putting his arm around her. My stomach churned, but I put on a bright smile for them.

When Draco saw me, he gave me a weird look. I just leaned forward and spoke. "Hey, Pansy, I love those earrings. Don't you think they're cute, Draco?"

Pansy gave him a look, and he nodded, obviously distracted.

"Draco," Pansy said. He didn't hear her. "Draco!"

Uh oh. He turned to her and made a little "hmm?" noise. She got up dramatically and slapped him in the face. I hid my smile.

"You never pay any attention to me!" She cried before storming off. "Come on, girls!"

Milicent got up almost immediately and went after her. I hesitated.

"Daphne," Draco said, but Pansy wasn't having it.

"Daphne! Come on, let's get away from this inconsiderate toad right now!" She warned. "Or would you rather stay here alone with my boyfriend?"

I got up, understanding that tone of voice. If I stayed, she would never forgive me for choosing Draco over her, even though she has chosen him over me countless times. "Sorry, just didn't want to leave this really comfortable spot."

"It won't leave," Pansy said, frowning.

"Daphne, I need to ask you something," Draco said. My fingertips felt tingly, and I turned to glance at him.



"Stop, Draco," Pansy said, a bit of fear in her voice. I could sense it from a mile away. "Come on, Daphne. Now."

"Do you have an aunt?"

"What?" I was utterly confused, and disappointed. How I wanted him so bad...

I didn't realize Pansy grabbed my arm and led me away. "Let's leave this ape."

I hadn't answered Draco's question, but it couldn't have been that important. Whatever. I was mad at Pansy for interrupting our almost-love confession, but I didn't let it show.

She knew, anyway. We both love Draco, but somehow she got him.

Pansy let go of my arm, which stung a bit from her tight grip. She gave me a tight smile. "You wanted to go outside. Let's go on a walk."

She turned to Milicent. "Sorry, Milli, you can't come this time. Maybe next time though, promise I'll make it up." She gave her one more smile and walked off. I followed her.

"What the hell was all that about?" I asked Pansy.

She got defensive. "What do you mean? He was being such a bad boyfriend-"

"No, no, I totally understand that. I know he's such a jerk," I lied. "But I mean, why would he ask me if I had an aunt?"

"Oh, I don't know." Pansy didn't like any sort of communication I had with her boyfriend. She probably knows I'm prettier than her.

"You sure? It was kind of odd, I thought he would say something else," I admitted, knowing how defensive she'd get.

She whipped her head to me, flipping her hair. "And what was that?"

"Nothing. It doesn't matter," I replied, wearing a sweet smile. I liked getting on her nerves sometimes. "Come on, we better get to the lake before it's too late."

We linked arms, pretending to be best friends. I liked Pansy, I really did, but she could really get crazy and obsessive. Especially over Draco.

Speaking of him, what was that about? Of my aunt? I have an aunt, yeah, but-

Oh my god. That's why I saw him talking to that (Y/N) yesterday. It suddenly dawned on me. Draco was tricked into scheming with her... She dragged him into this!

I was about to tell Pansy, when I spotted her, waiting on a bench outside. Probably waiting for Draco to tell her that he hasn't gotten anything from me.

"That. Little. Shit!"

Your POV
Fred left me a little while ago to go find George. He had a new idea for their sales. A custom earpiece that would tell you the answers to your work whilst blending in with your ear. You thought it was a lovely idea, and you let him know. He seemed to appreciate that a lot.

You hummed on your bench. Draco should be out here any moment. He was going to ask Daphne about her aunt.

While waiting for him, you watched some Durmstrang students do some "light" stretches. There were girls from all houses basically drooling over them. You found that to be hilarious.

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