"Dad We're home!" I yell walkin' through the front door chase followin' me but yet I still get no response from anywhere inside the house only a note on the kitchen counter written ta Chase and I. I wonder who it's from.Dear Sunny and Sunshine, I've been needing ta tell y'all somethin' for a while now but I've never known how ta tell y'all so I wrote this the day I'll be leavin'. I've gotten deployed in the Sybiran civil war once again, I've already told the school 'bout my deployment and asked if Oakley can take my place as coach they agreed as long as she signs a couple papers and has the substitute teacher with her, I only asked cause I know Oakley knows more about football then chase does and I hope you take my offer. As for you son I left y'all quite a lot of money use it wisely. Mamaw and Papaw should be coming to help take care of the house. I love y'all and I'm sorry for not tellin' y'all about leavin'. I'll miss y'all but I'll try to write as much as I can.
At that moment my whole world came crashin' down. Fallin' to the floor my stuff going all over the floor but the only thing remainin' next ta me in the note tauntin' me that nobody know when he will be coming back. Or if he ever will come back.
It's about a month and two weeks into school my dad left about four weeks ago and since then my accent has changed a lot but that's not the only thing that's changed is that, I feel like everyone hates me. Everyone I'm tellin' you. It's only a month into school and I don't know how everyone hates me I don't know what I did ta everyone but it all started when dad left I got to coach the football team but the team wasn't happy and every sub they had so far was either a girl that would rather read or someone who didn't know anythin' about football so I've been getting a lot of bullyin' not only from the football team but also that girl named Sofia well apparently her mom is the headmaster and she's the most popular person in the school so when she saw me hangin' out with Odin I think she got jealous, but when she saw Austin and I hangin' out with Odin it I think it got worse like name calling, and shovin' me in the hall and stuff but before she used to just be rude and talk bad about me. Oh no, here she comes and with her onterash.
"Oh look it's overweight Oakley." Sofia mocks and her friends laugh from behind her.
"Why are you so mad at me all the time? What did I do to you?" I ask and they get quiet
"Oh like you don't know you little slut! God you're such a hoe trying to get with the two most popular guys in the school and you've only been here for a month!" she yells getting closer pushing my back up against the lockers behind me.
"yeah like I don't even know why they would like someone your so ugly and overweight!" One of her friends Anna I think her name is says holdin' her books close to her chest."Anna's right," So I was right about her name. "I mean look at you your so ugly your blond hair and blue eyes most girls would love too have those features but you obviously were one of the unlucky girls who was gifted with features that are wanted but a unwanted body and face." She criticizes.
"Oh Sof, don't forget her freckles and her she has way to many and she doesn't wear any makeup." Anna's triplet Siena says.
"You know Anna and Siena are right. Not only do you need makeup but I'm sure even that won't help the ugly that was spilled upon you. No wonder your daddy left and your mama killed herself." Sofia remarks.
"Why are you guys doing this to me? Why are you guys being so mean to me? I already know imma a fuck up and I'm ugly, I'm worthless I get it but why? Why?"
The tears in my eyes start to form."Because, you're ugly," Sofia starts.
"You're overweight," Anna seconds.
"You're worthless," Siena remarks but when I the insults are over they say one last thing all together. One last thing that pushes me over my emotional limit. They all say it together but they speak of themselves to me. They speak the last words I thought I'd never hear again.
"I wish you were never born." Those words hit me they hit and they hit me hard the tears that are poolin' in my eyes are no longer the keepin' my eyes glossy. No, they're rapidly streamin' down my face.
My knees buckle on me as I start to cry, my back slides down the lockers behind me. All my books I was once huggin' to my chest drop on the floor in front of me and spread across the floor in front of me, my sack that once sat on my shoulder now the floor next to where I sit. As I cry it's all most all I can hear but there's one thing in the distance one thing mockin' me as I cry and I can barely make it out as I cry and it's laughs.
Laughs, from the people three in front of me. The three girls just laugh in my face distant but audible and mockin'. In one move I get up and run.
Run as fast as I can. My tears pouring down my face. I already know I'm getting weird stares from people but at this point I don't care cause pretty soon they won't have something to stare at cause I'll be gone. Forever.
I run I run as far as my legs will take me and the next thing I know I'm at a construction sight. I slowly walk in seeing it's lunch and everyone would be out to get food. I walk a little deeper into the sight looking at everythin' till i find a built in elevator type thing that goes to the 100th floor of what's going to be a building.
I go to the top where I see a rope hangin' from the ledge above it. I know what I'm gonna do and nobody is gonna stop me. 'Cause nobody cares. I walk a little grabbing the string that dangles from the ledge above me and I tie the fatle knot that I know will either kill me instantly or leave me to struggle. I put my head in the hole taking one last breath. Before I step off the edge of the building.
In an instant the rope titans around my neck but it stays there lingering, leaving me strugglin' gaspin' for air. My hands fly to my neck to release to ropes pressure and get me some air but it's too tight I just can't get it loose I kick my feet maybe to get it to slip up so I can pull it off but it's to late i can see dots forming and the memories flashing back but in an instant I feel my head drop and my arms drop to my side just as everything goes black.

Her life
Short Story(The beginning sucks but the rest is good lol) Y'all lemme just say right now that I'm so sorry I messed up the southern accent I suck at writing also this is my original story that I was writing at first than turned in for an english assignment but...