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I am exceptionally good at what I do.

That still sounds braggy, but let me tell you a story anyway.

Once upon a time, there was this telepath who could read anyone and everyone's minds (even when he wished he couldn't). His name was Michael Hutter, and although the evil World Wrestling Entertainment company had deemed him unworthy and thrown him away like trash, a beautiful Southern Queen saw something in him. She took him in off the streets and renamed him Ethan Carter III, a strong name that demanded respect. And so, the broken man was reborn.

In his new kingdom, a land known as Carter Country, he met many enchanting people. There was the beauty (Jamie) who fell in love with the beast (Mark), the wild wolf (Wes) who tried to tame the vicious vixen (Lauren) and who turned her into a creature like him to save her life because he couldn't bear to lose her. Then there was the other wolf (Eddie), who fought for all those in need. There was the enigma who defied categorization (Jeff), and his brother, the Good (if somewhat goofy) King (Matt... What? The guy literally has a throne). Most significantly of all, the broken man met the noble Court Jester, a faithful royal servant called Spud, who quickly became the best friend he would ever have and who would one day become the most unexpected of heroes. Others were there as well, like the town cryer (Ken, of course, because Lord knows everyone could hear him), the almighty magician whose words enchanted one and all (Drew), the good people of Carter Country, and the not so good ones.

The broken man lived in a content state for a time, protecting others as he became the Queen's most noble knight. The day he met the only woman he couldn't read, however, his life changed forever. Suddenly, he wanted more. This beautiful Goddess enchanted him instantly. He realized he'd been incomplete for all of that time. The Goddess came with a tiny creature who worked very hard to make the knight give up on his pursuit, but the knight was stubborn, and soon he came to love her creature, too. Although they would ultimately lose the Goddess, the knight and the creature realized that her greatest gift had been giving them each other.

I cannot claim that they all lived happily ever after, but they did the best they could. They laughed, they cried, they celebrated every victory, and they continued to fight the good fight. Only by giving up would they ever truly lose.

"You're really lame, Michael," Abigail said with a laugh as she cut off my story.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to give an epic narration of our lives here," I argued.

"You just turned us into a fairy tale."

"Ever hear of a bedtime story? You're seven. You're supposed to like those."

"Read me Game of Thrones sometime and we can talk about a bedtime story."

I stared at her in horror. "How do you even know what that is? I mean, you haven't... Have you? Oh God, I'm a bad guardian!"

Abigail giggled. "You're too easy. Relax, Michael. I've never seen or read it. But don't you ever say you're a bad guardian again! You died to protect me. Literally. There is no better guardian in the world."

I hugged her. "I love you, Abby."

"I love you, too."

As Abigail fell asleep, I thought about what had happened in the recent weeks. After we rescued Carlos, things calmed down for a little while. Aries left TNA and Khoya turned face and started going by his real name again. That last bit was unexpected, and none of us were sure what it meant, but Dixie gave him a chance to let at least a little bit of light into his heart by having him dance. This blew up on social media and seemed to give him a piece of the humanity he'd been lacking for nearly as long as we'd known him. Maybe there is hope for him yet. I guess we'll see in time.

Jarrett came back into our lives, and a new battle was beginning, but I had faith we'd come out on top. Team Baddie might be evil and willing to do anything to destroy Team Good, but we have a bunch of misfits, including Jeff Hardy and Rockstar Spud. With a team like ours, there is no way we are going to lay down and die. See, the thing is, there's always a new battle to fight, but as long as we have each other, we're going to win.

As I lay in bed that night snuggling my Abigail Creature, I closed my eyes for just a second and somehow fell asleep. I dreamed of the very kingdom I'd told Abigail about, and best of all, Emily was there.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything you did for me, and for loving my daughter."

"There was no way not to love her," I told her. "Just like I couldn't help but love you." I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.

"I'm sorry I can't be with you. I love you both so much."

"We love you, too... But we get it. You have to move on..."

"So do you."

"I know." I sighed. "Will you still visit me?"

"When I can. I'll come here, to this place, and I'll find you." She hesitated. "Are you okay, Michael?"

"I miss you, Emily. I always will. But I'm going to be alright. We both are."

She nodded. As the creature stirred, she woke me up, and Emily faded away.

I looked at Abigail. "Hungry?" I asked.

"Starving," Abigail confirmed.


"Ewwwww, jerk! No. Waffles and eggs."

"Waffles and pancakes are the same thing," I teased her.

"They are not!" She punched my side playfully. I walked into our kitchen and set to work on making breakfast. I cherish these moments. Abigail is my family. There is nothing I won't do for that kid and she knows it. And with the creature for a sidekick, I know I can do anything. So bring it, Team Baddie. Because we've got this.


Ladies and Gentlemen... E...C... Three!

Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble... Trouble, trouble, trouble...

I walked out toward the ring with my beloved TNA World Heavyweight Championship, enjoying the rush of the thoughts of the crowd and letting my entrance music get me pumped. (Hey, McMahons! Remember how you said I can't wrestle? Well, apparently, yes I can, because I'm the champion, bitches!) As I arrived in the ring, I grabbed a microphone, and I began delivering my latest epic heel promo.

And with that moment of life going on, I will end this story. It wasn't my story to tell, but seeing as how Emily couldn't tell you herself, I decided to do it to honor the woman I loved and lost who changed my life forever. When this story began, I was an exceptionally good heel, and an even better telepath. I'm still both of those things, but now I'm also the very lucky guardian of one very special Abigail Creature. I may not know where my life is heading on any given day, and I may not know how any future battle will end, but right now, in this moment, life is pretty good.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to everyone who read this story. (Special thanks to my Muse, as always. You are my eternal inspiration.) I appreciate any feedback. I know Emily's death was heartbreaking and was an unpopular choice. Quite frankly, I didn't even want to write it, even though I knew when I started this story that this was where it would end up. Unfortunately, I couldn't change it. Emily deserved to die a hero, and Abigail and Michael needed to lose her to find their strength. I do apologize for any Feels I have broken (including my own). Anyway, I really loved writing this story. EC III's mind is a really fun place to explore. Thank you for taking the journey with me.

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