Prolouge: Every Hero Needs An Origin Story

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(Y/n)'s pov.:

I slowly opened my eyes. I was strapped on a chair,with needles sticking in my arms, pumping some weird fluid into me.

Besides me were a few other people, who were in the same situation. Some were still sleeping, while others..... Let's say are sleeping forever now.

I still remembered how I got in this situation.

Some days ago, it was another day of pick pocketing some rich snobs, who had nothing better to do than buy useless stuff, that they will probably use only once, and hitting on chicks.

But while I was not looking, a van pulled up and men came out, who were pulling me inside. They then held a tissue against my face and everything went black.

The next time I woke up, I was bound to this chair, exactly like now. The other people (who were still fine by then) seemed to be looking at something.

What they where looking at, was a big screen, were the infamous red skull was seen, currently talking to us.

"You all may be wondering vhy your here

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"You all may be wondering vhy your here. Rejoice! You all zhall be the next generation of zuper zoldiers under my Kommand. Currently we're putting a new zuper zerum into your bodies, which zall awaken powers inzide of you. Well..... Zome of you may die." he said, but then grinned. "But that's a zacrifice I'm willing to take." With that, the screen turned of.

People the of course began to panic, but nothing happened..... At first. A few days later, people began to feel sick, some coughed up blood and others simply died instantly. How I heard it from the passing by soldiers, then once thhe serum is inside you, then your finished.

But others didn't die... They began to change. One began to burn suddenly, another grew two extra arms and so on. That continued till today. I was the only one who didn't show any symptoms.

I stopped with the flashback, as a hydra soldier came in to check on us. They came in whenever one of us gained a superpower.

This time one gained the power to liquify himself. The soldier walked over to him, unstrapped him and put on some weird handcuffs, which probably supress our powers.

They walked past me and the man brushed against me, by coincidence.

Suddenly I felt something change in me. I looked at my hand and saw, that my hand became liquified, just like the man. I then realized something.

'Did I.... Copy his powers?' I thought, as I quickly made my hand solid again. Luckily for me, nobody noticed it.

'This could be my way out of here.'

Once the soldier was gone, I looked around. I noticed a ventilation shaft at a corner.

I liquified my body. It was a weird feeling. Like I was made of jelly. The needles attached to me fell down and the straps were useless against me.

I stood up and sneaked over to the corner. As I was there, I simply went through the opening, before I made myself solid again.

I made my way through the ventilation shaft, when I saw something from an opening.

It was red skull and a scientist. They were currently talking, as red skull held up a glass with some kind of serum in it.

"And what iz thiz again doctor?"

"This is a serum, what neutralizes the powers of our new super soldiers completely. In case, when they start to rebel."

"Doez it work one hundred percent?"

"In most cases yes. But against some it may be useless."

"Hmmm..." Red Skull said. He seemed distant, but suddenly I realized why.

He looked at the glass in his hand and behind him was the ventilation shaft I was in.

"Shit." I said.

Red Skull quickly pulled out a pistol and began to fire at me. The scientists hided behind a table.

I quickly liquified myself and fell down inside the room.

I looked up and noticed the red skull pointing his pistol at me.

"Would you look at thiz."

"Uhmm. Hi?"

He shoot at me again, as I quickly rolled out of the way. I may be able to liquify myself, but I don't really want to find out if I can take a bullet.

I pushed down a table in the room and hid behind it.

"Ztip Rezizting. You don't want to make matterz worze, want you?" he said.

'Quick. Think, think. What can I do?' I looked around and then at my hands. 'Maybe....'

I put my hands on the ground and began to use my powers. I made myself sink through the cracks on the ground. I then went under red skull.

'Payback, bitch!' I sprung out of the floor, making myself solid during that time and punched him in his red balls.

'Argh!' he yelled and kneeled down, holding his crotch. I didn't waste a second, took a fire extinguisher on the wall and bashed his face with it.

He fell down unconscious. I didn't want to stand around, so I ran to the door, grabbed one of the serums they talked about before, and made a run.

Luckily for me, I spotted Noone on my way out. As I left the building, I saw that we were still in New York. They had apparently a base here.

But that didn't matter to me, as I continued to run away. As I was far enough away from it, I was in an alley breathing heavily. The days of being there finally showed themselves, as I collapsed.

I felt very weak right now. But suddenly I heard something land besides me.

"Hey! Are you alright!" the voice asked with concern.

I looked up and spotted the figure.


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"Here. Let me help you." she said

She helped me stand up.

"We need to get you to an hospital."

"No.... No hospital. They might find me..." I weakly said.

"Who might find you?" she asked.

"Bad guys......"

She was silent for a bit.

"*sigh* OK. We can go to my hideout." she said, as she she made a string shoot out of her hand and pulled us up in the air.

"Don't worry, after I get you fit Again, I will bring you to a.... Friend of mine." she said. "That is if fury doesn't take me into custody...." she mumbled the last part, but I didn't really hear it, because I was loosing consciousness.

The last thing I saw, was ghost spider swinging with me in her arms. Then everything turned black.

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