Chapter 16

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The next morning, after very little sleep, Elanor returned to the medical tent. Entering, she caught Clarke shifting and spotted Abby asleep by her daughter's bedside.

"Good morning," Elanor said softly, careful not to make any unnecessary noise.

"Hey," Clarke responded.

"I don't think Abby left your side at all last night" Elanor comments with a soft chuckle. Clarke looked down at her mother. "She has been so worried about you, Clarke. You wouldn't believe it"

"You've been spending a lot of time with her?" Elanor nodded. "Why?"

"Apprenticeship," Elanor grabbed a clean cloth, moving over to help Clarke wipe away the remaining grime and blood left from the night before. "But, I also think the last few weeks have been so crazy, I've just clung to anything familiar"

"The last few weeks have been crazy," Clarke agreed, turning to her mother. The sudden shift was enough to wake Abby. Abby lifted her head and glanced around the room.

"Elanor," Abby acknowledged Elanor's presence.

"I can leave if you want," Elanor said.

"No, stay," Abby said. She patted the seat next to her.

"I thought you got thrown off the council," Clarke commented, reaching for her mother's pin. Abby looked down.

"It's the chancellor's pin." Abby smiled.


"Yeah," Abby chuckled. "Thelonius didn't make it and Kane left two days ago to try to get you back from the grounders"

Elanor watched their gazes shift to her. "We haven't heard back from the team that left yet. For all we know, they're fine," Elanor added with uncertainty.

"I told you, the grounders don't have us," Clark insisted.

"We didn't know that when the search team left. We were just hoping to get you back."

Realization came to Clarke's eyes. "How long have I been asleep?"

"About ten hours," Abby stopped her daughter as she tried to get out of bed. "Clarke, slow down! It's too soon"

"Mom, we need to move against Mount Weather," Clarke begged. "Where are Finn and Bellamy?"

Abby pushed back against her daughter. "Clarke! You need rest!"

"I don't need rest, I need to save my friends"

Major Byrne pushed into the tent. "Ma'am. Movement in the woods. I don't think it's grounders"

Elanor glanced at Abby. "It could be Finn and Bellamy's group"

Abby switched into doctor mode, nodding to Byrne who left the tent.

"Prep the medical tent for patients. You know something is bound to have happened while they were out there" Elanor nodded and Abby left the tent with Clarke in tow.

Elanor pulled out supplies, prepping for whatever might happen next. Minutes later, Abby brought in two patients, both female.

"No Finn or Bellamy?" Elanor asked.

"Bellamy came back. Finn went to look for the others"

"That feels like a common thing around here" Elanor scoffed.

"I need you to look Brooke over. She's from Factory station. She got a little banged up in the landing" Elanor nodded, leading Brooke away to another bed.

"Hi, Brooke, I'm Elanor. I'm just going to look you over and make sure nothing is severely wrong"

Brooke nodded. Elanor began, checking for a head injury. When she found no signs of head injury, she moved on to Brooke's arm. It was a simple fracture and Elanor set it before securing it in a sling.

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