Luke's POV
Its been 4 days since I first got this stupid airport and things are starting to run on schedule. I just need to see Abby and apologize. I hope she wont be too mad at me for all of this. I just hate how everything turned out. All I wanted was a simple visit to see my brother but no America and its assholes had to fuck everything up. I mean I'm sure she doesn't think that I would just leave her but I mean what if she does? What if she tried to move on? What if Calum tried to swoop in and save her? What if she hurt herself? I throw those thoughts out of my head and walk over to boarding.
"Hello welcome to Austrailian Airlines. Ticket and Passport please." the attendant asks as I walk to th front of the line.
"Here you go." I hand her my ticket and passport.
"Go ahead. Have a good flight."
I walk onto the plane and find a seat all the way in the back. I don't want to be disturbed so I put my earbuds in and fall asleep.
Abby's POV
Everything is black. I'm not sure if I'm dead, close to dying, or what. I feel pressure as if someone is trying to break my ribs. I hear cracking and panting. I can hear and feel everything but I can't move. I hear light voices in the distance. If I really am dead why does it hurt so bad? Maybe I'm not dead. But if I wasn't dead I'd be able to move right.
"Let's go Abby. C'mon. Wake up!" Its Ashton. Is he dead too?
"Abby please don't do this. Please." That's Jenna. Why is she dead?
I feel myself getting heavier. I can feel my breath. Inhale. Exhale. My eyes begin to open. Slowly. Everything is a big blur. I begin to cough. My cough burns and aches. I sit up and cough harder letting out blood.
"Abby oh my god you're ok." Jenna hugs me.
What exactly is ok? Because if ok is wanting to kill myself because Luke is gone then I fit the definition perfectly.
"What were you thinking?" Ashton asks throwing a towel around me.
Haven't I heard that question a lot lately.
"I just I couldn't do it. It pisses me off that Luke just left. Like what the fuck Luke! I loved him! I opened up to him and trusted him. I know that I could be a bitch sometimes but I was his bitch. I never wanted anyone more than I wanted him the last 2 1/2 weeks. He was all I had when my parents left. Now he's gone." I get up and walk to the car and get in. "Let's just go home."
Ashton and Jenna get in and we drive home. No one says anything the entire time. We pull into the driveway and I make a sprint to my room and flop onto the bed. There is still salt water residue in my hair but I don't care. I hear Jenna come up and into my room.
"Abby I'm worried about you."
"Please Jenna, none of this depression bullshit." I rollover on the bed so I'm facing her.
"I'm serious. I have never seen you act like this. I'm scared. You have tried to end it all twice now. I was there for both and I don't want to worry about it again. I think you need to see someone."
"You know what Jenna maybe I do need a doctor but I sure as hell don't want one. You have no idea what it feels like to love something with all you have and then have it torn from you without warning and without reason."
"You have one week to turn this around or we are seeing someone." She storms out slamming my door. I could care less. Maybe I am depressed but if I don't stay like this then I lose my memories of Luke. I don't want to lose the memories because their all I've ever had. I rollover again and look at the clock 1:24AM. I need some sleep so I close my eyes and fall asleep to the sound of my gradually slowing breathing.
I wake up and read the clock 10:28AM. Wow 9 whole hours of sleep yet I still feel like shit. I get out of bed and change my clothes. A Green Day long sleeve, jeans, and socks. I walk downstairs into the living room. No Ash and Jenna. I go back upstairs and check their room, not there. I go into the kitchen and there he is. All 6', blonde, blue-eyed, ripped skinny jeans self. Luke, standing in the kitchen with Jenna and Ashton sitting at the table.
Luke's POV
She looks gorgeous in her just out of bed outfit. She looks really mad or overwhelmed or both. I'm just so glad to see her. I look to Jenna then to Ashton. I got her not but an hour ago. We didn't want to wake her because Jenna and Ashton said they had a busy day yesterday. I walk over to her and give her hug. She isn't hugging me back. Why isn't she hugging me back? I feel her pushing her hands into my chest.
"Get out Luke!"
"Get the fuck out!"
"What why? I thought you would want to see me."
"After you left me for more than 2 weeks without any communication. I thought you just left me Luke! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!? You know how important you were to me. I needed you. I almost commited suicide twice because of you. I don't want anything to do with you!" She turns to go upstairs but I grab her wrist and turn her around.
"I can explain everything if you just give me a chance. And Jenna and Ash never mentioned suicide. Why would you not tell me that?" Jenna looks over at me like I just broke her heart.
"We were going to once you and Abby made up."
"Made up? We were never broken up! Abby I can explain everything if you give me a chance."
"No Luke. We really are done. There will be no showing up at your house at 2 am for make up sex or late night movie dates. It's all ruined because of you."
"So I don't even get to explain."
"No. Goodbye Luke." She turns around and walks upstairs. This is my cue to leave. I walk out the front door to my car and get in. I pull out of the driveway and the second I do a million thoughts rush to my head. Did she really meant what she said? Why cant I explain? Will we really be done forever now? What happens if I still love her?

Heartbreak Girl
FanfictionAbigail: alone, tired, broken Luke: lovesick, alone Ashton: who the fuck knows Calum: has no idea Michael: in on it all