Back for chapter 6 the book is coming along good, not as fast as my first one but it's still coming. I'm sorry about not updating for a while my app screwed up. But let me know what you think :p
2 weeks later
Rebecca's pov
Things have been going good for us, we have a pack an we all have our mates.
Its a saturday and me and Amy were just laying in her bed when she asked me something that I wasn't expecting.
" what's marking?" she asked curiously.
" oh we'll it's when I mark you and it completes the link" I said honestly.
" what would it do we're I'm human?"
" we'll if I bit you, after 3 days you would become a shifter like me, Zanna and rose" I replied nervously.
" oh..... Do you want to mark me?" she asked looking into my eyes with her beautiful brow eyes.
" only if you want me to" I said kissing her.
She laid in silence for a while.
" is that why we haven't done anything?because you don't want to mark me?"
" um ya I would get too excited and wouldn't be able to controls my wolf and I would mark you" I said rubbing the back of my neck.
" oh well I trust you, I wouldn't care if you marked me I love you." she said kissing me.
'Zanna Amy wants me to mark her' I said threw my new pack link.
' damn that's awesome, are you going to?'
' well I'm in bed with her right now she just asked me what it was and said she doesn't care if I mark her she loves me' I said while getting closer to Amy.
' well try not to hurt her she's only human for now'
' I would never hurt her'
' I know'
I concentrated back on Amy. I could tell she was horny, I could smell it. Not breaking the kiss I flipped her so she was on the bottom. I tried taking my shirt off so I helped her out and threw it across the room.
She looked at my chest for a second then pulled me back down on her. She undid my bra and toke it off I started to undo her pants and toke them off too. She flipped me onto my back. This made my wolf even More horny.
I toke her shirt of, then her bra in two quick movements. I toke that moment to look at my beautiful mate. She had a toned body from living here all her life. I pulled her back down on me and kissed her neck. She moaned a little into my ear, I could feel my teeth coming out but I didn't want to bite her yet.
I left little love bites on her neck and shoulders. Her breathing started to pick up so I trailed my hand down her sides and between her legs. When I entered her she moaned out my name. Her hand slowly found its way down to mine too, only she toke her time at my breasts.
I couldn't control me teeth any longer, I let my teeth graze along the crease in her neck. My wolf toke over and sank its teeth into Amy's neck. The noise that left her mouth was a mix between a moan and a cry of pain but it's quickly turned into a moan. I licked away the blood and kissed my way up to her mouth.
She kissed me hungrly. We went faster and faster until my eyes were glowing and she was screaming out my name. Her whole body started to vibrate.
I curved my fingers as she moaned into my ear. I licked and blew on her mark as we both climaxed.
We just laid there panting and trying to catch our breaths.
" wow that was amazing" she panted kissing my neck.
" it was" I said kissing her.
" so this mark will it heal all the way?" she asked touching the mark I gave her.
" it will heal some but you will still be able to see it." I told her.
We talked for a while before heading to the cafeteria for diner.
Zannas pov
Me and rose were just eating our diner and we noticed Rebecca and amy walking in with big smiles on there faces.
" looks like you guys had some fun" rose said with a smirk.
" shut up rose" Rebecca said with a scowl.
" how did you guys know?" Amy asked with a confused look on her face.
" oh we'll after you told me you don't care if I marked you I told Zanna" Rebecca said scratching the back of her head.
" how?"
" we'll were we are in the same pack now we can read each others thoughts" she said looking at me.
" oh that's weird can I read your thoughts now?"
" not until you shift in 3 days" I told her.
" oh well will it hurt when I shift?" she asked with a scared voice.
" ya little it won't hurt after you shift a few times" Rebecca reassured her.
We talked some more about the shifting process and what it's like. Before heading back to our dorm room were Amy was staying tonight.
Before I drifted to sleep I sent a message to Lexus.
Me 'Rebecca's mate wants to come to diner tomorrow'
Lexus ' that's fine did they mate yet?'
Me ' yes they did this morning '
Lexus ' ok I will see you guys tomorrow. Night.'
Me ' night. I said as I drifted to sleep.
Zannas pov
Today is the day Amy meets the rest of the pack.
" what if they don't like me?" Amy asked Rebecca.
" I'm sure they will" Rebecca said kissing her on the cheek as we made our way to the pack house.
When we got to the door you could smell the fear in the air from Amy.
" baby calm down it will be ok, I promise" Rebecca said taking Amy's hand.
We let our selves in and toke our seats at the long table. As usual I sat beside shanik.
We talked for a few minuets before the waiters brought in our diner.
" so Amy what do you think about the whole shifter and mate thing?" Lexus asked.
" we'll at first I thought it was a joke until she shifted then I was scared. But now I don't care because I love Rebecca and that's all that matters" she said putting her hand on Rebecca's thigh.
" great so I hear you will be part of the pack on Tuesday"
" yes I will"
We ate and talked and I guess Amy got over being scared because she was having fun talking to everyone and getting to know them.
We made our way back to our dorm, it was a cold night the stars were shining and the northern lights were dancing accost the sky.
I knew just by looking at the sky I was going to dream about lorel and thoran again.
Before I fell asleep I decided to see what's going on back home.
Me' hey mom how's things at home?'
Mom' it's good, it's been real quiet since you two left. But how's things up north?'
Me' there good our roommate found her mate.'
Mom' that's good, how are your classes going?'
Me ' there good I'm learning a lot from the people here. But I'm tired so I'm going to sleep, talk to you soon'
Mom' alright have a good time and good night'
Me ' night'
I woke up out on the ice I could tell I was in wolf form. I looked around for thoran or lorel, I saw nothing but snow.
I walked in the direction I think was north. I knew I was walking towards land because the wind was on my back.
I walked for what seemed like hours before I found familiar tracks in the snow. I followed them a short distance before the wind stopped and every thing was dead still.
" Nunuk " said the voice of a thousand spirits.
" thoran" i said to the old bear.
" have you come to seek out lorel?" he asked giving me that unwavering stare most bears have.
" yes" I said without even know why.
" good, now Nunuk walk to the centre of the stars were the lines meet" and he disappeared into the mist.
What did he mean by the centre of stars and were the lines meet. I looked up into the expanded of stars before me. My teacher told me that every star is the ancestors of bears and men watching and helping guid lost travellers.
So I picked a star and followed it. I walked for what I thought was days. The stars felt closer the more I walked. I could tell I was walking north,but to what I don't know. The spirits that formed as mist danced by my head and whispered stories into my ears.
Finally I walked until I couldn't anymore. I laid on the ice unable to walk anymore. I herd a raven call and looked up.
There before me was lorel the great story teller of the north.
" lorel?" I asked weakly.
" yes Nunuk I have come to talk to you, you have the blood of my ancestors running threw you. I am inside you always, what I am going to tell you may not change anything but it's best you know. You were born a pure white wolf because of the bear blood n your veins, you are part bear that is why you are taller than most alphas, and built stronger. You are a mix of me and thoran, a teller and a fighter bear." she spoke as he sat on the ice.
" I'm part bear?" I asked sitting up slightly so I could hear better.
" yes I must go but that charm you wear on your neck will help you talk to me just say my name in an emergency and I will be there to help. Farewell for now Nunuk"
Lorel disappeared as the wind and snow picked up again it became so intense I couldn't see anything. Then the dream drifted away into darkness.
~end of dream~
Sorry this chapter was kind of short but the next one will be longer I promise.
So let me know what you thought by commenting and voting :p