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We're now back at school. Earlier today they ship in the water and the carriage in the sky cause some questions around the school.

But they were answered at dinner that night.

"hey Stoneshire!" I heard Malfoy out as I was looking for a seat at the Slytherin table.

I ignored him because he probably just want to insult me.

"(Y/N)!" I heard him yell once more. Now that got my attention. He hasn't used my first name in public in all the four years I've known him.

So my Head shot straight at him. He was waving me over. So, Reluctantly walked over to him.

"What." I say bluntly.


My eyes go wide.

"Did you just-"

"I did."

"Why?" I question, confused on why he's apologizing.

"Sit down and I'll tell you." He says so I cautiously sit down.


"Well, um I, ugh I fucked up ok."


" well I saw you were last year. And I can tell it was my fault. So me not being a heartless person, I'm saying sorry. But, you can't tell anyone." He says while making sure no one is looking.

"Oh and thank you." He adds.

"For what?" I ask confused.

"Caring." He smiles lightly then looks at Dumbledore.

After a few minutes of him explaining things and Alastor moody walking in the rooom girls from Beauxbatons walk in the room gracefully and all the guys look like they saw angels. I look over at the Hufflepuff table and even Cedric is starring.

I was feeling a little self conscious after seeing him. I know I wouldn't look good in one of those dresses and I'm not that naturally attractive. But then, while the blue beauty's are still flaunting themselves, I feel a pair of eyes on me.

I look over and see Malfoy quickly look away. I was confused on why he was looking at me but was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a Big Bang coming from the doors.

Then a bunch of Bulgarian boys walking doing fancy staff waves and flips. But I just look at Cedric. I could see him looking at me as well. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Then Dumbledore started talking about the triwizard tournament. Only for the twins to starts yelling about the age.


Cedrics 17.

I look over at him and he looks intrigued. Great my boyfriend has a death wish.

After dinner Cedric walked over to me in the halls.

"I'll walk you to your common room." He says. So I smile and nod.

We continue to walk to the dungeons when he starts talking.

"(Y/n) I'm thinking of joining the tournament." He says with a little smile.

I can tell he's happy about it and I don't want to ruin his happiness so I put on a fake smile and say-

"That sounds fun, just be carful, I don't want to loose my hufflebuddy." I giggle

"Don't worry your stuck with me." He says laughing as well.

"Good." I retort.

Once we get to the common room door he cups my face and starts to pepper it with kisses. Luckily there's no one around or my anxiety would kill me.

He then gently leans me on the wall and kisses my lips. It was slow and meaningful. Then it got a little heated. He moved a hand to my waist and stepped closer to the point were I was pinned against the wall.

We separated due to the loss of breath. And he put his forehead to mine.

"You're amazing." He whispers.

"And you're to kind." I say softly.

"Go to bed before I try to cuddle you to death." He giggles stepping back.

"Ok ok, but I'm just saying, that would be the best way to go."

"Cuddling?" He questions.

"No, in your arms." I say.

He blushes and and says goodnight while heading back to his common room. I laugh quietly to myself and head to bed.

Even pansy and Astoria couldn't ruin my mood.

Draco Malfoy  ☆  𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now