Chapter 15: Rogue Training

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Once finished with school, Valeria avoided contact with Erin, Sai, and her other friends and headed straight home. She wanted to make up with Erin. She wanted to spend more time with Sai. But those desires paled when compared to a deeper need; learning how to be a Rogue.

And that started right now.

When she opened the door, she found Jada and Frank waiting with a familiar guest.

"We meet again protégé," Xun said as she rose from the living room couch. Today the young ninja had opted for torn leggings and a halter top, with her hair clamped in an updo. "I hope you read the Art of War."

Valeria nodded nervously at her. She had read most of it. "So where are we going? Some kind of dojo?"

" you ignoramus," Xun chastised. "What is the single most important lesson from the Art of War?"

Valeria paused a moment, trying to remember what she deduced from the novel's passages. "All warfare is based on deception?"

Xun massaged her chin. "So you read at least some of it. You're partially right. The main lesson is that warfare is a last resort. If you can find a way to deceive, misdirect, or undermine your enemy through espionage, you can usually avoid unnecessary conflict."

Valeria looked over at Frank and Jada, who smiled at each other.

"We'll leave you two alone," Jada said while Frank added, "Have fun, kiddo."

Valeria frowned as they laughed together and walked up the stairs, while Xun paced around her.

"Contrary to most pop-culture depictions of the Ninja, fighting is not our main expertise. We are masters of espionage, so no...we are not training in a dojo."

"So you're saying Ninjas are more like James Bond?"

Xun groaned. "Please do not compare us to that old, misogynistic alcoholic who parades around the world in fancy cars. Ninjas are discreet, modest, and invisible. Our guild provides all of the intelligence and information for the Rogue faction, and most countries around the world."

"You spy on other countries?" Valeria asked with surprise. "Are you...spying on the U.S.?"

Xun frowned as she said, "My allegiance is to the Rogue Faction. But yes, my country thinks I'm a spy on U.S soil, reporting information back to Beijing. The truth is that every country has Ninjas that both serve as spies for their country, but also serve as a communal group that share information for the better good."

Xun walked over to the couch and reached for her bag. She removed an odd pair of shoes, and tossed them to Valeria. "These are for you. They're special shoes that will help you creep along silently. Of course, you will need to learn how to creep, which is what we will practice today."

Valeria placed the new shoes on and found them rather comfortable.

"They fit?" Xun asked. When Valeria nodded without answering, she continued with, "Alright, before we start, I want to know Sun Tzu's five essentials to victory. Go."

Valeria paused a moment, trying to remember the chapter she read. "He will win who knows when to fight, and not to fight."

"Good," Xun said. "But since we're both women, you can say she."

Valeria nodded and continued reciting the other sayings. "She will win, who knows how to handle both inferior and superior forces. She will win, whose army is animated with the same spirit throughout its ranks. She will win, who prepares to take the enemy unprepared."

Valeria cursed under her breath. She couldn't remember the fifth one. She lost her concentration when Xun slapped her across the face. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed, massaging her cheek.

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