The past haunts us.

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Hmm.... so. I was going to start this chapter around 6 or 7 hours ago. But. I got news. I have lost someone close to me. To cancer. So I'm going through some stuff. But I'm going to help myself by updating my books and they may be on time and they may not be on time. It was very unexpected. I don't know how to feel right now. I DO NOT want people to feel sorry for me AT ALL I just want to let you know as my readers the things I am going through in case my chapters seem weird or don't have a lot of effort in. Thank you ! And let's get on with this chapter. ❤️

Bella pov

After cleaning up we soon find my father in the hallways looking at paintings. I must admit they did look amazing. Dakota leads us all to a meeting room which is huge. And we all sit down and start talking.
(F = father)

F. "So Bella! Now that your with Dakota I need you to understand somethings. If something bad happens to me or when my time comes I want you to carry on leading the gang. I want you to keep the family together. You know a lot of the stuff I do now but if you have any questions on it then ask Dakota. He is a leader after all."

"Why are we discussing this now?" I ask confused.

F. "Bella you are growing up. You are creating your future. But I need you to keep up the work that I have created so it doesn't fall and crumble." He looks at Dakota.

F. "You have a decisión Bella." He starts speaking in Spanish. He learnt it with me to keep up with my mothers raging words.

F. " Puedes liderar solo o unir a los dos y liderar una familia más grande y más fuerte."
("You can lead alone or bring the two together and lead a bigger and stronger family.")

Everyone looks at him in confusion as to what he said. I sit back and think for a moment.

"Si quisieras hablar solo. Podrías haber preguntado." I respond. ("If you wanted to speak alone. You could have asked.")

F. "Sus reacciones son graciosas"
("His reactions are funny") obviously he's speaking about Dakota who is starring at the table quite annoyed at the fact that he can't understand us. I laugh and I lean back.
"I'll think about it. I can't decide now." My father nods then changes the conversation.

F. "So what are you doing for your birthday?" Before anyone could say anything I quickly said "nothing." But Ava butted in.

A. "What?! It's your birthday soon and you didn't say anything ? When is it? I need times and dates! I want to plan something !" I smile at Ava.

"I don't like doing anything for my birthday. I don't see the point. Your just celebrating another year closer to your death." Ava's face drops at what I just said and I laugh.

"Anyways! If we are done then I should get some fresh air!" I walk out leaving everyone in the room and I can hear them whispering. Why did he have to mention birthdays?

I open the front door and I walk out going towards my car. The guards at the front gate ask me where to and I respond with "groceries" and he nods letting me through the gates. We did need some food and I was really hungry so that was something to get.

I pull up to the store and I get out. I have a gun in my inside jacket pocket. No one can see it so there's no problem. I start looking around and I grab things that we needed.
Just the normal things but something catches my eye. Well more like someone. I see the back of a ladies head. She has short brown hair. I can't see her face because she's facing away from me. She's obviously rich because she's wearing fancy clothes. Why is she wearing those in here? I try to carry on grabbing the things I need but there's something about her that I can't put my finger on. It's pissing me off!

She reminds me of someone but I don't know who! She soon walks out with a man by her side in a suit and tie. (That rhymes?_?) I pay for my groceries and I head back to the house. I walk inside setting all things I bought on the counter and putting them away. I feel someone grab my waist and I realise it's Dakota.
D. "You okay?"
"No I saw a lady at the store and she reminded me of someone. But I can't put my finger on it and it's pissing me off more and more by the secon-" I'm cut off with Dakota spinning me around and kissing me. I kiss back then pull away.
D. "It's probably no one. Don't worry about it." He pecks my lips and I do as he says. I forget about it.
D. "We are going to be watching a movie soon. Join us when your done." I nod and soon enough I'm finished. I head to the living room were there are pillows and blankets everywhere. No one is paying attention so I take my chance to run and jump onto Dakota while he's watching his phone. I fall on top of him and I hear him groan.

"Am I that fat?" I pout.
D. "No! It was just unexpected! Don't jump on me like that! I almost hit you!" I laugh and I let him sit up and he answers email on his phone and I watch. Everyone is waiting for him. Obviously dad wasn't here. He went home while I was out.

I get impatient and I grab his phone and threaten to throw it. I hold it in the air ready to throw.

"Bella.. don't you dare." He threatens. I get intimidated and I hand him the phone after turning it off. We put on a movie and I start to fall asleep.


Im back in the grocery store picking out the things we needed. I'm reading the labels and I hear giggling. I've heard that laugh before. But where from? I follow the laughing and it's the lady who was dressed up with short brown hair. She's holding onto a man who was in a suit and tie and they are going out of the store. The man starts speaking.
"Sshhh Camila! People might hear you!"
"Sorry baby!"

My heart stops. That's my mothers voice. That my mum.

"Mámá ?" I whisper. She and the man stop dead in their tracks. The lady slowly turns around but everything goes black.

~wake up~

I'm being shook awake and I hit whoever is shaking me but I open my eyes when I hear a groan. I hit Dakota. I sit up quickly.

"Dakota I'm so sorry!" I really was sorry but I couldn't stop laughing at its face when he was holding his cheek pouting. Everyone has gone to bed let's go. We start walking.

D. "Uhh I heard you say mama in your sleep. Are you okay?" I look at him and give him a small smile.

"Yes Im fine just a weird dream!"

What if the lady at the store was my mother. What would I have done? Why was she with that man and why was she wearing expensive clothing like that ? I'm so confused!


There we go! This helped me take my mind off things so I feel a bit better. LIKE VOTE COMMENT!


BYEEEEEE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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