Remember the P!ATD AU idea I got and you guys were asking me to do it?
Piper tugged on another knot in Nico's head, which made Nico shriek in pain.
"Ouch, Piper!" Nico pressed a hand onto his stinging scalp. "You don't need to pull so hard! I can literally feel my scalp tearing itself off!"
Piper huffed. "Nico, I told you that you should start using actually good conditioner, but noooooo," Piper groaned. "You had to stick to your five dollar three in one pomegranate shampoo!"
"Well, it's cheap, and it smells nice," Nico shrugged.
Piper whacked him lightly on the head with her bright purple hairbrush. "But your three in one is not exactly helping your hair to be all smooth and silky as required!"
Nico gaped. "As required? Piper, you're truly a professional."
Piper tugged onto Nico's hair again, managing to get rid of the annoying knot stuck on Nico's hair.
"Uh, ew," Piper threw the few strands of hair into rubbish bin. She pat Nico on the back and he stood up.
"Thanks, Piper," Nico tapped Piper on the shoulder in thanks. "Just don't fuck Jason when it's his his turn, Piper."
Piper blushed a bright crimson. "Nico!"
Nico giggled and sauntered out the room. "I do know that you two are a thing!"
Piper threw the hairbrush at Nico's back and missed his back. "Great! Now I have to sanitise my hairbrush again!"
Nico peeked his head into the room again. "Why the hell do you even need to sanitise a hairbrush-OOF!"
Nico fell onto his back as Piper's hairbrush hit him. "Ow, Piper!"
Piper twirled her hairbrush and sprayed it with hand sanitiser. "Well, you earned it, di Angelo! The next one is Percy, bring him in!"
Nico blew a raspberry at Piper. "Hmph."
Leo sauntered into the studio. "I heard that the overgrown tuna wanted some chicken nuggets?"
"Yes, Supreme Commander, your overgrown tuna needed some chicken nuggets," Percy took the chicken nuggets and gave him the 30.99 needed.
Leo gave Percy a fist bump. "Thanks, Tuna, I'll come back later and see what you're working on, 'kay?"
Nico shrugged. "Sure, whatever. Annabeth or Piper wouldn't mind. Just bring some Starbucks or something."
"I'm not a waiter, Nico!" Leo yelled.
Nico stared at him. "I was joking, Valdez."
Frank plucked out a chicken nugget and ate it. "Dude, how many chicken nuggets did you buy?"
"Uh, about 80," Percy said sheepishly.
Piper blew out a puff of air. "Just don't waste it. Where's Will and the acrobatic duo?"
Annabeth walked in, biting a chicken nugget between her teeth. "They're coming. There was some traffic because some guy was on the middle of the road naked and screaming 'love yourself' surrounded by cardboards with LOVE written in bold red marker."
Percy flopped onto his stomach with a chicken nugget hanging from his mouth. "Why can't we start yet?"
"Dude, Will has, like, the most insane but best ideas for music videos," Jason mumbled, not really concentrating as he tuned his guitar.
Annabeth clapped her hands. "Jason, we don't have to use your guitar today. We're focusing on the music video of Girls/Girls/Boys."
Nico spread himself across the floor. "Nice. Not much work."
"Dude, you literally pretended to slice off Reyna's head that one time," Piper groaned. "The editing was brutal."
"Piper, you're not even the editor."
Piper shrugged. "Sucks for you then, Lou Ellen."
Will Solace shook off his flip flops and walked in bare feet. "Hey, you noticed us."
"Why are you even barefoot?" Nico asked. Will put his flip flops aside and into a cabinet.
"It's summer, Death Boy! It's heckling hot out there! Our AC in the car was down because someone thought that stuffing more than 20 Cheetos into it would be fine!"
Cecil Markowitz put his hands up in surrender. "I just thought that it would make the car smell like Cheetos! They smell nice!"
Annabeth clapped her hands twice. "William, it's time to start. What ideas do you have for the new song?"
"Hm. Well, Girls/Girls/Boys promotes LGBT+, right?" Will tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe we can make you guys go to a pride parade?"
"Nice," Percy laughed. "Makes my Bisexual heart bloom excitement."
"Or Nico can just stand naked and just sing or something," Piper shrugged. "Then Hazel can do a lot less work, ya know. The 'Miss Jackson' one has definitely tired her out."
Jason choked on his chicken nugget. "What?"
Nico sat up quickly. "Piper, what the hell."
"Hey, it's a pretty good idea," Will tapped Nico's forehead. "Your fangirls are literally thirsting to see you shirtless."
Nico pouted and grabbed Will's finger to push it off. "Piper said that I would need to be naked, and I'm not exactly excited to let everyone see my dick."
Will flushed a bright red and Cecil snickered at him.
"Or we can just make you two make out or something, because that would be hella gay," Frank shrugged. Nico gaped at him, face flushing like a tomato.
"Frank! I didn't know that you were this dirty minded!" Lou teased.
"But the pride parade one is nice," Jason said thoughtfully.
"So is the pride parade one decided?" Annabeth tapped her clipboard.
Nico shrugged. "Sure, I like it."
"Bleugh, I got rainbow powder in my mouth," Percy complained.
"Percy, your entire body is literally covered in glitter. We didn't even use any glitter," Annabeth chastised. Percy brushed it off and it got everywhere. Leo coughed and threw some water onto Percy.
Nico peeled off his shirt. "Why did we even decide to use slime?" Will plucked it from his hand and threw it into the trash can.
"Juts go to shower, Sunshine, you're getting slime everywhere," Will scrunched up his face. Nico wiped his hand onto Will's shirt to spite him, and Will gasped.
"Di Angelo, you little shit!" Will tackled Nico onto the ground. "That's my favourite shirt!"
Nico giggled and pecked him on the lips. "And you're crushing me. Get up and just change."
Lous Ellen wolf whistled at them. "Dang, di Angelo, since when did you hook up with Solace?"
Nico flipped her a bird and pushed Will off. "Ew, now you got slime everywhere."
"Why is Frank the only clean one?" Jason complained.
"Maybe it's because I carried something called an umbrella, Grace," Frank said, waving his tiny red umbrella around.
"Ugh, this is gonna take a long time time to clean up," Piper complained.
"Well FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUT AND IM GONE" Leo ran out of the studio immediately.
"Leo you little piece of shit-"
I don't even know what to do anymore

{When Demigods Go To Highschool} or a book of onshots after the 12th chapter.
Teen Fiction"Nico slapped Leo across the face. 'You wanted my sister to watch porn?" Demigods go to highschool, and it's so cringy I could diiiiieeeeee---- But check it out.