April 22, 2020 - Storm's Roar

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Summer heat in early spring

Brings thunder and flashing skies

Winds that howl and rotate sideways

Upright for tornado surprise

Fast mixture of cold and warm winds

Creates a disturbance that spins

Destruction storm leaves in its path

A cleanup quickly begins

Today we face similar foe

But our turmoil comes from within

A struggle reflecting heart's warmth

Ponder cold and warm thoughts that spin

Cold thoughts that say lives must be paid

So, businesses don't pay a toll

Warm thoughts where we act to save lives

Self-sacrifice we each control

Cold thoughts keep us divided

Stand alone and buffer dark storm

But warm thoughts bring us together

Find solutions where lives transform

Hope folks are learning a lesson

Cooperation wins a war

When we choose to stand divided

More lives will be lost in storm's roar

Copyright 2020 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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