When Bolaji got home with Mike who also lives in the same hostel as his but in different rooms, he sat on the bed rubbing the left cheek Cassy had slapped."Damn! That girl can slap!" He mumbled, unluckily for him Mike heard him and started laughing.
"Wetin funny now?" He glared at him.
"You! Wait first, wetin you tell the girl?" Mike asked curious about what Beejay did to deserve a slap. Beejay explained what happened and Mike laughed again.
"Guy na you mumu pass for the whole world," he said amidst his laughter.
"Oh boy, you've got yourself a tigress. The babe go show you pepper," Mike laughed hard.
"Fuck off jhuur. If you know you have nothing to say start going to your room" he hissed.
"Oya no vex. But on a serious note, how could you do something like that. We told you to apologize not aggravate the issue."
"Yes but I.....I.....I," he stammered not knowing how to tell his friend that he sincerely wanted to apologize but the moment he saw her all he could think was kissing her and making love to her again. So he simply said, "I couldn't think straight when I saw her."
" Maybe you should call or text her on WhatsApp to apologize again."
"OK I will"
"I'm going to my room jare, I want to go and read. I have a test tomorrow" Mike said leaving his room.
"Scholar! Read for two oo"
"You no well" he chuckled.
When he left, Beejay heeded to his friend's advice. He wanted to call her first but changed his mind on second thought. He was scared he might not know what to say or he would say something wrong again. So he texted her on WhatsApp and luckily she was online.
"What?" She replied.
"Ouch! U just hurt my feeling with ur 'what?'"
"What do u ve to say, I'm preparing for tomorrow's class cuz we might have a test."
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I just don't know how to control myself when I'm with you."
"Rolls eyes* Is that suppose to make feel better that one of the hottest boys on campus can't control his sexual urge around me?"
"Haha, I never said that, try to understand me now. BTW, so u consider me as one of the hottest guys, I'm honored. Winks*"
"That's it, I am done chatting with u. Bye Bye."
"Wait please, I'm sorry na, was just playing. OK, can we get to know other?"
"Are u trying to ask me out or what?"
"Honestly, no. I told u I'm not the relationship type. Let's just be friends."
"Oh, so you want us to be friends with benefit? Grimace*"
"I would love to. But if don't want that, cool. Let us be good as friends."
"Hmmm, I will think about it."
"About what? FWB or just friends. Winks*"
"JUST FRIENDS silly! I'm a strong believer in a serious relationship."
"Alright alright."
They continued chatting and got to know each other more. Turns out they are both fans of hip hop, trap music, and rock music. They both like American movies.
"Honestly I'm not trying to sound like a racist, but I love the Black American movie more, the Whites movie bore me sometimes," She said
"LMAO, I love any American movies. Don't you watch Korean and Indian movies like other girls?"
"Arrgh I hate those movies with passion! They bore the life out of me especially Indian movies or all these stupid Zeeworld series that they stare at each other. Miranda and Rekiyah love watching them tho. I love action or Sci-Fi"
Gosh, I'm already liking this girl. He thought while replying to her.
Laughs* First time I'm seeing a girl that hates Zeeworld movies."
"You know I was a tomboy. I still am, just a little bit girly now. Do you watch horror movies too."
"Hell no, I hate scary movies."
"Laughs* PUSSY"
"I'm not, just don't like horror. So you do?"
"I love em. So tell me your favorite trap song artiste."
" Migos, Future, Gucci Mane, and 21 Savage."
"Me too.21 Savage is ma crush! Love ASAP ferg too."
"Rolls eyes. Guess we have a lot in common tho."
"LOL. Someone is jealous."
"No, I'm not."
"If you say so."
"You are a case. Maybe I should start calling you Case, instead of Cassy."
"Don't call me that, it sounds weird. Roll eyes"
"Will do! Tongue out*"
"You will see what I will do to you if you call me that. Will soon go offline. Wanna read you should do the same, tests are around the corner."
"Aiit will read too."
"Sorry for slapping you too, I can be temperamental. Cover face*"
" You don't need to tell me, I already know. Laughs* See ya later"
Throughout the week, they didn't see each other both busy with tests and projects in their various departments. But they chat regularly on WhatsApp, and gradually they became closer. Cassy's friends began to notice how she always laugh and chat often on WhatsApp. They brought the topic when they were all together in class on Thursday.
"Cassy Cassy! Classic Cassy!" Rekiyah teased.
"This one that you are hailing me, what is it?"
"I can see you and your Africa prince are becoming closer." Rekiyah winks at her."Yes oo, she is always laughing while chatting now. The guy is already pressing her mumu button," Miranda said and she and Rekiyah laughed.
"You guys are not serious. We are just normal friends turn out he's not bad after all. He's a really cool guy and fun to chat with." She explained.
"Hmmm, you guys are just normal friends?" Rekiyah said raising her eyebrows.
"Yes. Just normal friends"
"Ok oo, wait till you meet him again," Miranda said.
"Nothing will happen between us. We are just friends."
"We shall see," Rekiyah said.
Later in the evening when she got home, She and Beejay chatted for a while.
"Hey Case""Are u ok? Don't call me that"
"Sorry, my Case."
"Rolls eyes* U r such a pest"
"Yeah your fav pest"
"Whatever, how r u doing"
"I'm good. Missing u here"
"Hmmm, what r u missing about me? Winks*"
"You don't wanna know baby"
"What if I already know. I know you are missing my lips, my body"
"Oops guess I'm right. So you really want me?"
"Yes, I do. You are giving a boner right now. Can you come over, please? At least to say hi to a friend?" Her heart began to pound as the image of him flicker inside her and she closed her eyes as she pictured Beejay inside of her.
"Ok I will, send me your address."
He texted his address which is around Chapel.
He thought I will succumb to his desire, he has no idea of what I will do to him. She said with a devilish grin.She wore a short flair gown and told her roommate she will soon be back.