MacKenzie's POV
Caitlin types on the computer in the medbay, watching the security video of when she lost her powers and Killer Frost
I lay on the bed in the medbay, my backpack on the floor next to me and my arm covering my face
"Melt." Ralph's voice says on the computer for the 10th time
"Anything new?" Iris asks, walking in
"No sign of DeVoe." Caitlin tells her
"I meant with you." Iris says
"No." Caitlin says. "No cold signatures anywhere in the city. Killer Frost is nowhere to be found."
"That doesn't make sense, I mean, DeVoe created every bus meta for a reason." Iris says. "I mean, he had no interest in Barry's powers or Cisco's, or any of the metas in Iron Heights, Mack is the only quake so that's why he wanted hers but I don't know why he would suddenly want yours."
"We all saw what happened." Caitlin says. "When DeVoe touched me, my powers disappeared. Had to be him."
Iris sighs, turning around to lean on the desk
"Why isn't she in school?" Iris asks, standing up and walking over to me
"Uh, school called." Caitlin says, typing on the computer. "Mack went to the nurse sick."
"Why didn't they call me?" Iris asks
"They tried." Caitlin tells her. "Said it went to voicemail so they called me next."
"What time did they call?" Iris asks, opening up her phone. "I didn't even notice..."
"Uh..." Caitlin says, looking at the time. "About 10 o'clock."
"Barry and I were talking with--" Iris starts before getting cut off
An alarm starts beeping
I get out of the bed and follow
"DeVoe?" Iris asks, running into the cortex with Iris and me following
"Uh, satellite's picking up four different pocket dimensions opening in Key Stone." Barry says, reading off the computer. "Let's each--" He says, looking back to Caitlin but then remembering. "All right, you and me, Mack, let's go."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait." Iris says, stopping us. "They all just closed."
"What?" Barry asks
"Wrong coordinates?" Cisco suggests. "Maybe he made a mistake."
"He doesn't make mistakes." Barry says. "He must want something in Keystone."
"Tracy Brand's lab." Caitlin says. "He's going after Fallout."
"All right, call Tracy." Barry says. "Tell her we're coming for Borman, okay?"
"Wait, and gonna do what?" Caitlin asks
"Just to take him somewhere else." Barry says
"Well, we can't take him here." Cisco reminds him. "We can't even contain his fallout."
"Tracy's barely been able to contain his powers as is." Caitlin says
"Yeah, the guy's a nuclear explosion waiting to go off." Cisco says. "And I don't know about you, but I...I've had my fill of nuclear bombs this year."
"But if we can cool him down, we can get him somewhere safe." Iris says. "What about Snart's cold gun?"
"I mean, I have a prototype, but to modify it to our needs, that would take at least a day." Cisco says

Rocky Raymond //Book Four// - COMPLETED
FanfictionMacKenzie Raymond is back for season 4 of The Flash. **I DO NOT own The Flash, only MacKenzie and her story**