Chapter one

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Beep beep beep
I wake up to my alarm blaring it's cold it's always cold. My body hurts all over from all the bullying and abuse of yesterday. I make my way off the bed I don't want my daddy to wake up I can't take another beating.I hurried to the shower after turning the alarm off and quickly hopped in and turned the water to cold ,daddy says I'm not allowed to use the hot water I'm in the shower for 6 minutes before getting out and dressing in my jeans the rolled at the ankle and my Winnie the Pooh sneakers and my cave town shirt either my sunflower cardigan. "looking happy is the first step to being happy" I tell myself before looking in the mirror and doing my best fake impressions of a smile I realize I only have an hour before school and it's a 10 minute walk I rush upstairs and start quietly making dad's breakfast I made eggs and bacon and strawberries and bananas with yogurt then I wrote a not like I do every morning one time I forgot his note and he beat me so badly I missed school the next day the not says " dear daddy I hope you have a great day at work and I hope you like the breakfast I made you I love you lots signed you son" when I was younger I used to love giving him these notes every morning but now there just lies I look a the fridge and think if I should get an apple but decided against it because I'm feeling a bit tubby today I look at the time and see I only have 30 minutes I have to leave now if I want to beat Joseph and his friends to day. As I'm walking I keep hearing crunches of leafs behind me I hoped and prayed it was just an animal or event a murder to just put me out of my misery I chuckled to myself and right as that thought crossed my mind a hand was slapped over my mouth I started to panic and scream and scratch at the hand for it to let me got until I herd it his voice he said "hold fucking still or you might not event make it to school alive" I heard Joseph and then I heard a group of laughter there's more of them every bad thing they could do to me was going through my mind until I was pushed up against a tree I looked around and saw Joseph and his friend Taylor and Rylan I was so deep in thought I didn't see the fist coming to my stomach I fell to the ground covering my gut and face I felt what seemed like a hundred kicks flying into my sides and I just kept wondering why they where walking my path to school they always drove them one of them kicked my side and I heard a sharp crack I screamed out and looked up I found my eyes staring up pleading to the ones of Joseph's begging him to make it stop I saw what looked like sympathy flash threw his eyes then it was gone then he said "hey guys we have to go or we'll be late for school plus I think the fags had enough for now " then he sent a wink to me I closed my eyes because the pain hurt to bad then heard foot steps when I opened my eyes I looked at the phone and it said I had only 10 minutes to get into school and to class and I'm not event half way there so I stood and ran to the school using all my strength and just made it to class on time. I took my seat and the class went on as normal then lunch lunch is the scariest time I wait till I'm last in class so I can avoid being in the hall with everyone I go to the table that I always go to and put in my head phones and start drawing. I few minutes pass with no evince till I feel something rip out my ear bud

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