Chapter Three

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Today was meant to be the wedding of Princess Margot Amelie Juliette Jezneimabeth to Prince Alexander Octavian Edward Novarian. Instead an impostor stood in her dress before the church doors, Clotilde still did not feel comfortable in her sisters  although it now fit her perfectly. 

"Are you well your highness?"

A slight girl of maybe fifteen years approached her with a worried look on her face. Clotilde searched her brain for a name but she couldn't remember who she was. All she knew was that she was the daughter of some important Courier, someone important enough that she was one of the many new ladies in waiting to Clotilde, soon to be Crown Princess. The rest of the new ladies all stood in their matching deep red gowns, each one of them the daughter or wife of someone important. Some of them were her sisters old ladies in waiting and they seemed wary of their new mistress.

"Oh yes thank you."

Clotilde looked down at her hands as she played with the jewelry on her hands, pulling the rings on her fingers off and on. The Lady did not seem convinced but she left when she saw Clotildes ladies maid, Anne heading over to her. 

"My lady, I shall need you to stop fussing, you're going to lose a ring if you continue."

She muttered under her breath while she fussed herself with Clotildes golden gown.

"Anne, I cannot do this."

Clotilde whispered, her voice shaky. Her face began to redden as tears threatened to spill down her cheeks. Anne placed a hand on her cheek.

"Oh my lady, you will be fine."

This did not help, instead Clotilde choked out a sob and a tear slid down her face and they continued to fall. The ladies began to notice Clotilde and they gathered around her offering their help.

"My lady whatever is the matter?" One of the older ladies spoke up. She looked as if she wanted to comfort Clotilde, reaching out her arms but immediately bringing them back in.

"Are you getting pre-wedding jitters?" The blonde Lady from earlier stepped forward, Clotilde did not know how to answer, she continued to try not to cry.

"If it helps ma'am, my brother is the Lord Chamberlain and spends quite a bit of time with his highness. You need not worry about him, he is patient and kind. You will be well."

Clotilde no longer felt the need to cry and she sniffled. She used the backs of her hands to wipe away the tears and nodded, smiling weakly at the girl.

The Lady in waiting who had asked her what was wrong took Clotildes hand in her own. "I was your late sisters Lady in Waiting and I can assure you that his majesty would not do anything to hurt you, if anything I think he is scared of you!"

The other ladies giggled and Clotilde laughed along with them, blowing her nose into a 'kerchief that Anne offered her. 

"Oh no, I have been crying. Whatever shall they think of me?"

Clotilde could feel the anxiety bubbling up in her again but the older Lady just chuckled and smiled.

"It doesn't matter, you look pretty when you cry."

Again the group giggled, fears had been smoothed away and Clotilde began to feel more confident, All throughout the ceremony she held her chin high and her shoulders down, exuding confidence. She spoke the vows loud and clearly and during the banquet that evening she danced with everyone who offered her a dance and laughed at every joke poorly told by the many courtiers.

 That confidence melted away as soon as she was brought into a dimly lit bedchamber, the Ladies stripping away Clotildes sumptuous gown till she was in naught but her shift. The same was done to Prince Alexander on the opposite side of the room. Clotilde would steal glimpses of her new husband but he never seemed to look her way at all, instead her occupied himself with taking off his own jewelry and walking away to put it on the dresser. As the priest blessed the bed and prayed in Latin over the couple, they both climbed into the bed and waited as everyone left the room. It seemed as if a lewd comment had been made by one of the Princes men which earned a laugh from the rest of them and a playful slap on the arm by one of the ladies, Clotildes face went red.

The room was quiet except for Clotildes breathing as she waited patiently for the Princes move. He sat up and rested his back against the headboard, seemingly deep in thought.

"You can confide in me your highness if anything is troubling you." she whispered, sitting up herself and drawing her knees in.

Prince Alexander turned his head towards hers, staring into her eyes, his expression unreadable. Clotildes breath hitched in her throat and she blinked quickly, her heart beating quickly in her chest.

"You looked beautiful today."

His voice was deep but quiet and he scooted closer to her. Before she could thank him for the compliment he continued to talk.

"You looked beautiful but you had been crying."

Clotilde turned her face away and looked down at the ground next to the bed. 

"I was nervous, that was all."

Prince Alexander gently grasped her chin and brought her face back in his direction. 

"That was all?"

Clotilde nodded nervously. and Prince Alexander grinned coyly.

"You can confide in me if anything is troubling you."

Clotilde found herself beginning to chuckle but stopped when Prince Alexander reached forward and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, his gaze intently on her lips.

All of a sudden the chamber doors had burst open and a breathless page boy stumbled in.

"Your Majesty, the King has been poisoned!"

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