Chapter 5

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For the rest of the night we talked about random stuff and played some games. It was really fun though.

"Oh by the way will you continue your studies?", Chanyeol asked.

"Probably yes, as soon as I can fully teleport myself over high distances I will go to university and until then Jinyoung sends me the materials", I answered.

"Ok", he simply said.

"Ugh Chanyeol I'm bored", I whined.

"Do you want to go an a walk?", he suggested.

"Great idea I haven't been outside since I am here", I smiled.

"Ok then let's go", he dragged me towards the front door and told the others we were out for a walk.

The house was deep in a forest. Almost nobody came here because it was dark and scary for them. Chanyeol led me to a beautiful place without trees. The moon light made the grass look beautiful and a light wind blew through the leaved of the trees around. We laid down on the grass and watched the moon.

"It's so pretty", he said.

"I know, I've always loved the moon", I mumbled back.

"I didn't mean the moon actually", when I looked at him he stared at me.

"Yahh stop it you flirt", I laughed while playfully hitting his chest.

"Ok sorry", he held his stomach because of laughter.

He leaned on his elbow and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I immediately felt myself blushing and looked back at the sky but he grabbed my chin and made me look at him. My heart was beating fast against my ribcage. Accidentally I looked at his soft pinkish lips and he looked at mine. I wondered how it would feel to kiss him and didn't realize that he was coming closer and closer. I could feel his breath on my lips and then it happened. Our lips met and instantly synchronized, I was overwhelmed by the warm feeling in my heart and the butterflies in my stomach. He slowly sat up straight without breaking the kiss and I followed him. I slung my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my waist. It wasn't the typical making out scene it was more like a passionate kiss full of affection. We both needed air and so we pulled away.

"Wow", he said.

"What", I laughed.

"This was amazing, you're pretty good at it", he kinda smirked.

"Yaaah stop you ruin the moment and make me blush", I lightly hit his chest.

"I was just kidding", this time he laughed.

"Let's go back, I'm cold", I said and jumped up to avoid another awkward silence moment.

"I can hug you then you are no longer cold", he smirked playfully.

I said nothing and smacked his forehead while walking past him into the direction where the house was.

"Ouch, yaaah", he whined.

"Shut up it didn't even hurt", I chuckled.

"You're right", he shrugged.

"Come on", I said and 'waved' my hand to symbolize he should follow me.

He ran up to me and we walked back. Midst walking he held my hand intertwining our fingers. I smiled to myself and looked away because I knew I was blushing. We reached the house and the others were playing a game.

"No thanks I have... stuff to do", I didn't want to tell everyone about the runes me and Suho 'discovered', so I began to walk up the stairs.

"Chanyeol?", Kai asked.

"Naa thanks maybe later", I heard him coming up the stairs right behind me.

I reached my door but he called my name.

"Hey Haneul what are you doing now?", he asked.

Should I tell him? I mean it wasn't a big thing but still ya know?

"Umm homework?", it was a little too obvious that I was lying, wow Haneul good job.

"Couldn't you make it less obvious?", he chuckled, "tell me what you are really doing now"

I sighed.

"Come in", I pulled him by his sleeve.

We both sat on the floor and I showed him the pictures on my phone and the runes in the album together with the translation.

"Ok, so this is the table in your basement and this is the photo album my parents left me. On each page there are the exact same symbols as on the table and then I found this translation at the back of the book", I inhaled, "and Suho told me about the savior of the vampires or something and that this savior could be me but that's not the point, I think when we translate what's written on the table we can find the savior and we can free the vampires so that they don't have to hide anymore"

"Wow that's crazy", was the only thing he said.

"Will you help me?", I asked not sure if he was going to say yes.

"Of course what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you!", he ruffled my hair again, aish this boy.

Each of us took a verse, luckily the 'text' wasn't that long. In the end we had a decoded but still not less confusing version.

'I only open up when I get the thing that every creature has but only the creatures of the night really value it'

"What could it mean?", Chanyeol asked.

"Let's think logically what are the creatures of the night?", I thought out loud.

"Racoons, moths, owels, some frogs", he listed all the nocturnal animals.

I thought for a while and when it finally came into my mind I hit my forehead.

"What? What is it?", he asked a little surprised.

"We are so dumb! It's obvious! What are we? Vampires! What do vampires drink? Blood! And every creature has blood", I said and Chanyeol looked like as if someone had lit a light bulb.

"Of yours! How could we be so dumb", he laughed.

We immediately teleported to the basement and came closer to the table.

"Whose blood do we need?", I asked but little did I know we needed mine.

"I don't make the table glow so", he shrugged and I sighed.

He handed me a pocket knife. I took a deep breath and positioned the blade on my thumb. I tried to ignore the sharp pain and held my hand above the spot where the runes where. As soon as my blood touched the table it began to glow again but this time it was ten times more intense than before. There was a strong wind out of nowhere which made a lot of noise. It was hard for me to stand on my feet because I was standing very close to the table. The wind died down and so did the light. I moved my arm away from my face, I covered my eyes due to the wind and light, and saw that the others were standing in the doorway completely shook.

"Wow", Baekhyun managed to say.

"We came here because of the noise but I didn't expect that to happen", Sehun pointed to the table, "what did you do anyways?"

"The riddle wanted blood so I gave it?", I smiled nervously.

Suho slowly came towards the table.

"And I think that was the correct answer, look!", everyone stepped closer and we saw what happened.

The drama goes on ladies and gents :)
Hope you enjoyed it bye :* $-$

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