"Hey" came the soft voice on the other side of the phone "I need a favour"
Olivia let out a breath, running her hand through her unruly hair "Hey Alex, what is it that you need?"
Alex scratched the back of her neck nervously, unaware of how to approach the situation or bring it across to her best friend since university. She bit her lip, this was something that she never thought she would have to do but she had no other choice. She was stuck and she needed help to get out of it, her best option was to ask the most compassionate person she knew.
Her choices were simple, either she stayed with her patient and missed the reservation her boyfriend made for them, for their fifth anniversary, or she got someone to keep an eye on him for the last two hours of her shift just for the evening. The latter was the better option for her, but it would be throwing someone else out of their schedules. She just hoped that Olivia had no plans for the evening and could spare two hours until the night nurse came to take over. However she knew if Olivia could not make it, she would have no choice but to stay and stand her boyfriend up.
Olivia cleared her throat "Alex, are you still there?"
Alex nodded, snapping back to reality "yes, sorry I spaced out a bit."
"It's no problem" she cleared some of the files from her desk, getting ready to take them home with her "so what was it that you wanted to ask me?"
"uh" she cleared her throat "I know this might be a lot for me to ask of you, and you don't need to say yes. I just wanna run it by you real quick, but if you are unable to do it, I would totally get that. I mean you have Noah at home and your sitter probably needs to be releaved so I won't mind you saying no, but I just have to ask, because I'm at a crossroads here and I-"
"Alex!" she cut off her rambling friend, a small smile on her lips "breathe, and tell me what it is, then I will let you know if I can do it or not. Okay?"
She nodded "okay, I'm sorry." she took a breath "wow I ramble a lot when I'm nervous"
"You're going off track again babe, what is it that you need?" she said with a laugh.
Alex chuckled "sorry, I was wondering if you would be able to keep an eye on one of my patients, just for two hours? He is a paraplegic and isn't really ill or anything, he just can't walk and needs assistance with a few things. His night nurse should be here around seven, which would then give you a release. I just need to be somewhere tonight, I can't trust anybody else with this because he is a bit cranky."
Olivia swallowed the lump that suddenly arose in her throat and pursed her lips "I might have to send Lucy a text first to ask her to stay with Noah for another two hours. What would I have to do for him?"
She shrugged, sitting down on one of the bar stools in the massive kitchen, she stirred her coffee and sighed softly "you would have to keep an eye on him, keep him company and help him lay down if he feels inclined to do so. I'll show you the ropes before I leave but it's not much that has to be done, and I have spoken to my patient and he is okay with you coming by if you do agree."
Olivia nodded "okay, I'll do it." she smirked "I just need to call Lucy, but I will send you a text of whether she is able to stay or not."
Alex let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding "thank you Liv, I owe you big time for this."
She chuckled, brushing Alex's comment off "Al it's only two hours, you don't owe me anything. We've been friends for years, and I know you would do the same for me so I don't mind."
"Thank you, thank you" she let out a happy laugh "you are a life saver, I need to get dinner prepared so I have to go, but let me know what Lucy says."
"Will do, bye" she chuckled at her friend's excitement.
Alex nodded "bye Liv, and thanks again for this."
Olivia listened as she hung up and quickly dialed Lucy's number, she answered after two rings "Hey Lucy."
Lucy smiled and quickly handed the three year old his pacifier "hey Liv, how is your day going so far?"
She began clearing up the files on her desk and put Lucy on speaker "It's been busy, I am actually surprised that I could squeeze in some time to call you... That is actually the reason for the call, do you have plans or anything for tonight? Because I need to be here for atleast two extra hours, would you be able to stay with Noah?"
Lucy picked the little boy up and carried him to the livingroom "I don't have anything planned so I won't mind staying. Noah has been very good today"
Olivia smiled at the mention of her boy "thank you so much Lucy, is he awake?"
She nodded, putting the phone on speaker so that Noah could hear his mother's voice "yes he is." she smirked "Noah, momma is on the phone, say hi"
A massive smile spread on the toddlers face at the mention of his mother, he removed his pacifier and let out a happy squeal "mamma"
Olivia felt her heart melt at just the sound of his little voice, she missed him so much and now she hated herself for agreeing to look after Alex's patient, but she wouldn't bail on her now. So she simply took hold of the picture of him that rested on her desk and smiled "hey baby boy. Have you been good for Lucy?"
He nodded "yes mamma, I miss you"
She bit her lip "I miss you too sweet boy, momma will be home in the next two hours. So you have to behave for Lucy while I'm not there, okay?"
"Okay." he giggled "momma be home soon?"
She shook her head "not right now baby, I have to stay a bit late. I love you"
"I love you too momma" he said before popping his pacifier back into his mouth and running off to play with his toys.
Lucy let out a laugh and shook her head at the little boy "Noah be careful."
Olivia sighed, her heart yerning to be with her son, she ran her hand through her hair "Lucy I have to go, I'll see you later."
"Yeah no problem. Enjoy work and don't stress too much."
"I will try my best, bye"
She said her greetings before hanging up, leaving Olivia to finish up whatever it was she still had to do. Olivia cleared her desk and grabbed her coat, she took her files that she needed to finish working on and turned off the lights before heading out of her office.
She gave her squad members a smile "guys I have to be somewhere so I am going to leave now. Call me if we catch a case or if anything comes up with our current case."
Fin nodded "sure thing Liv."
Amanda handed Olivia a case file "you need to read over this when you have free time, it's the last witness statement that I took earlier and also some other notes on what we know so far."
She took the file and nodded "okay I will read over it as soon as I get home." she turned to the other male detectives and pursed her lips "Carisi could you and Rollins go to check up on Mavis in hospital, find out if she remembers anything else and get her statement if she does."
Carisi nodded "sure thing Sarge"
Amaro walked over to her "Munch and I have are going to visit Leigh-Anne to see if her boyfriend came by yet, is that okay?"