XII - Let's Watch This City Burn The World

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You had gotten ready to seen Aron. You were going to his house to hang, eat and listen to music.

You sighed as you looked into the mirror

Was it really a good idea? Aron seems like hes a good person and everything, a little bit happened here and there.

"Maybe the boys will understand?" You sigh and rub your neck, you shrugged and sat on your front porch as you waited for Aron to get there.

You didn't want to piss of Hollywood Undead, but you liked Aron a lot, you started losing feelings for Danny.. or so you thought you were.

A half an hour passed, and then another half our, and then again one more half our.

You started to get cold out on your porch. You were kinda hurt that Aron wasn't going to shoe up, or be late.

You sighed and got up to head in, maybe Aron just had something that came up.

A car pulled up and honked, you turned to see Aron in the car. You went to the car and got in.

"Listen, I'm sorry I'm late," he said, he looked like he just had a fun time at a hoes house.

"I-it's okay." You say and look out of the window

"I had.. stuff... music stuff to work on, I couldn't get you until I got it done," Aron said

"It's okay, don't worry about it," you looked back at him and fake smiled. Aron smiled back

~ Aron ~

I literally had the bitch right in my hands, I just need to get her to fully want me, because trust me, I'm not stupid, I know she likes that fuck bastard Danny. However, I know she has feelings for me too, if I keep this up, I got her for sure.

My plan is.. to get Y/N to be my manager so one, drama with Hollywood Undead, they don't deserve shit, two, it would boost my music, getting a manager and all... three, just to be an asshole, cause why not.

I was getting a lot out of this and I needed to plan it right.

"So, what musical stuff were you working on?" Y/n asked, I had to think of something quick because I literally forgot about this bitch and I was at one of my ex's house banging her while her boyfriend was out of town.

"Uhm, lyrics and stuff," I said and continued to drive to my house.

"Ah, that's cool," she said and looked out of the window.

"Yeah... so, how did you meet them?" I asked with an eye roll.

"Hollywood Undead? I'm their manager," she said. I already knew that, I just wanted to hear it from her one last time before she became my manager.

"That's... something, you shouldn't trust them.." I sighed, lying was too easy.

"Why? They are sweet guys, especially Danny, he's definitely the sweetest," she said and I literally wanted to vomit.

Sweetest? Does she not know what he did? He STOLE my place in the band I made!!!

~ Y/N ~

Aron was acting a little funny, but maybe this was just him in person, you never really hung out with him in person, until now.

You guys finally arrived at Aron's house.

"Right this way," Aron said with a smile as he opened the door to his house for you.

"Thank you," you smile. Aron was definitely sweet as well.

Aron led the way to his living room, it was quite nice actually, it's like he had ocd or something. You expected to see beer bottles every where and such.

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